Wednesday, April 1, 2020

For the LORD will pass over...

For the LORD will pass through; and when he sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, the LORD will pass over the door (Passover is 04-08-2020) and will not allow the destroyer to come in to your houses to smite you! - Exodus 12:23.

In the book of Exodus, we read about Moses, and Pharaoh, and the Jews, right before the Jews were allowed to exit Egypt and enter the promised land.  We read how God spared HIS People.

There were three plagues sent against EVERYONE (Jews and Egyptians) because Pharaoh wouldn't listen to Moses.  Then there were seven more plagues sent against ONLY the Egyptians with the tenth and final plague being the "angel of death" that would be sent to kill the first born of ALL breathing beings.

God instructed the Jews to cover their doors with the blood from a sacrifice lamb to protect themselves.  Remember the last seven plages were only against the Egyptians.  (We know that Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice lamb and HIS blood covers us when we are in Christ). The Jews were all locked in their houses during these times of plagues. (Like we are all now - shut in.). When the Jews OBEYED what God told them (through Moses) to cover their doors with blood from a sacrificed lamb, when the angel of death came that night, it would pass over them. Hence the feast is called Passover.

This coming Wednesday, on the Jewish calendar, is that feast... Passover.  What would be the chances that we (most of the world) is again, shut in during the days leading up to Passover?  God is VERY intentional.  There are no "accidents" or "coincidences" when it comes to God.  There is something spiritual going on and it has to do with THIS week, this time, this season.  Take heed, beloved.

I put the "blood" over my door (using material) to DECLARE and DECREE to the heavens, that those who live here, me and my WHOLE house, are UNDER the blood of the lamb (Jesus).  We are covered and all sickness, disease, death, must PASS OVER us!

It is a symbol... just like wearing a cross necklace is a symbol. Nothing magical in it, but very spiritual.  There is power in obeying what God has instructed.

You may see many homes in America this week with red coverings over their doors.  This is just an outward expression for many Christians, acknowledging the provision of God for the Jews during Passover. We are remembering what the Lord did for the Jews (and for us Christians too — as we are grafted into the vine, in Christ).  God covered His people. This Passover has significance again, just like it did back when the Jews were being held captive in Egypt by Pharaoh.

I am believing God to do a mighty miracle this week... not because any of us are deserving, but because HE IS GOD and WORTHY to be praised. Maranatha.