Friday, April 3, 2020

Safely In His Arms (LIVE rom Quarantine)

If you have never heard the music of Aaron Shust and Joshua Aaron, I would HIGHLY recommend you to find their music online and download some of their work.  They are so anointed and amazing.  I just love how they shine the peace and joy of Jeshua in all that they do.

I am hoping you will be able to use this link, that they posted to Facebook just a few hours ago.  It is a link to their newest song that they wrote last week; a new sound the Lord is releasing, for such a times as this. It is to released this Sunday, April 5th, and is called, Safely In His Arms and will be on the new EP by Joshua Aaron, Cover The Sea.

In these days of isolation, may find the Shalom peace of Jehovah.  He is WITH you.  He is near you.  He is for you.  Let the Lord into your home, your space, your heart.  HE Is the solution for this time of isolation.  He loves you dear brother and sister.  I am praying now for you.  Jesus come!