Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Censorship and Social Media

With MORE and MORE "book burnings", I mean social censorship that are taking place on
the internet and social media, it is a bit overwhelming. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that if you control the narrative, you can control the people. As many of us are now seeing, we have been living under this controlled narrative for the last few months now with the Wuhan Virus shutting down life as we have known it here in the states. How is socialism working for you? This is what it looks like.

Regarding the virus:
We were told that millions would die - it was going to be catastrophic.
A worldwide pandemic like never seen before.
We were told we didn't have enough hospital beds to treat the onslaught of sick coming.
We were told we didn't have enough ICU beds to treat those needing such care, as this disease was aggressive and would be devastating.
We were told we didn't have enough ventilators.
We were told we didn't have enough masks.
We were told we HAD TO FLATTEN THE CURVE; slow the spread.
We were told it was highly contagious so all large events had to close.
We were told groups had to restrict groups >than 500. No, 300. No, 100. No, 50. No, 10.
We were told we had to shelter in place, at home.
We were told we had to work from home - too dangerous to be around people.
We were told schools had to close - too deadly as students would carry it and spread it.
We were told our churches had to close - can't meet; too dangerous to the population.
We were told these things would protect us. It was "for your safety". BtW - that was a line used in WWII to control the Jews too.

Yet all the while, the LARGE stores stayed open; while mom and pop shops closed. Why?
You could shop for ESSENTIALS like food, building supplies, and gas but each Governor decided what was essential in their state. Nothing connected to a virus about that, is there? Some states even restricted the sale of seeds, to plant a garden. Seeds suddenly are an issue, they are too dangerous?

So it's SAFE for us to depend on Amazon drivers, trash removal services, drive-up groceries, take out food - those people can work; they are essential dare I say, expendable if this virus is so deadly? BUT...

We can't get our nails done. 
We can't get our hair cut. 
Those business were considered NON-essentials and those businesses had to close. Too dangerous. And if you dare open, you will be arrested!

We were told there would be no "elective" surgeries, even if you have cancer or a collapsed lung, or chronic pain from an abscess; those would have to wait but you can still kill your unwanted child. Abortion clinics are deemed essential.

We were told we could not eat in restaurants, but you could have take-out. Even outdoor seating was restricted. Why? Certainly they were not concerned about people handling the food, they just didn't want us to gather.  Divide and conquer was the new theme but we will call it self-isolation.

Now we are beginning to get the pieces exposing the NEW narrative.
We have to be six feet apart IF we go out.
We are being told we have to wear masks if we go out in public. 
We are being told we don't care for others if we don't wear masks - it's selfish but nothing is said to those who are concerned about being sick, staying home. I mean, that's what everyone has been doing for the last few weeks, right?  Why do the weak get rights over those that are well, and can work?
Because that too is part of the narrative developing. The plan is to take your livelihood, your independence, your freedom; step-by-methodical-step.  You won't notice.

We are being told we have to "social distance" at least 6 ft. apart. That wouldn't have anything to do with surveillance cameras needing space between people so the facial recognition software works, would it? That way we don't need our neighbors to rat us out - we will have video to prove who the selfish are - the non-compliant not wearing their masks!

Some states are opening up slowly.  SLOWLY - we don't want another OUTBREAK. We have to be careful; "for your safety".
 Wait, there never was an national outbreak of death. There never was a shortage of hospital beds or ventilators or dead bodies piled into trucks - but we saw fake news telling us this.

Schools are to remain closed - some even through 2021!
No graduations. Too dangerous to be on a football field, outside.
Sporting venues must remain closed, too dangerous for kids to play ball in the park.
Outdoor CHLORINATED pools are to remain closed - too dangerous; even though chlorine kills the virus and sunlight does too.

Next move, let's control the narrative. Let's censor those who disagree with our agenda. Let's control the narrative by shutting down social media; let's pull down videos from YouTube, even when they are doctors, scientists, epidemiologists speaking against the narrative. Let's silence those that disagree with the "plan". BTW - This too is not a new tactic used to control populations and people. We are witnessing a takeover of the culture, our schools, our cities, our states, our nation; this takeover is global - with a new face and name (New World Order, World Health Organization, One World Government) but the same old agenda, organizing an overthrow of the authority.  That controller, driving the agenda is none other than Lucifer himself, just using new faces like Bill Gates and George Soros who want to take over the world.

The narrative is to destroy private business; hence the closing of all small businesses.
The narrative is to cause people to NEED the government for all their supplies; food (hence you can't grow your food).
The narrative is to control the dairy industry, control the meat industry, control the food industry, control the manufacturing industry.The narrative is to make the entire nation, well the entire globe, dependent on "the government" to establish the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.  

These evil people have been worshiping Baal, bowing down to Moloch and Baphomet and being empowered by Lucifer for their strength and domination. These evil people who have sold their soul to this fallen angel are being "promoted" into places of power as millionaires and leaders and movie stars and politicians to take over and control the people of the world.

President Donald Trump was a powerful, wealthy man who used to rub shoulders with these now known evil power players. He was invited into these evil circles of influence,
because of his business dealings.  He could have easily become the very thing he now is fighting against; but God had him marked from a young age. He was set apart for such a time as this. He had two praying aunts, who lived in a remote Scottish town who were an integral part of an event called the Hebrides Revival in 1949 to 1952.  Donald's young mother was also a praying woman who was impacted by these revivals as well, as later in her life, she named her son after the young man who served the pastor there in Scotland during the revivals.  

Today, Donald Trump is again standing up to the "powers that be" to take back our freedoms; he has now started his fight against Big Tech and their censorship of the conservative voice.  You may not love everything about Donald Trump, but I truly see more and more, day by day, how God has ordained his placement as President of the United States for such a time as this.  
