Sunday, May 3, 2020

Signs of the end of the World...

Good Sunday Morning!
With most of the country's churches still closed, I thought it was interesting that yesterday I heard that the top googled word right now is: prayer.
You too may be searching, confused, concerned, afraid... I am praying for you.  May you find the Lord while He still may be found.
Is This Coronavirus a Sign of the end of the World, is a message you should take time to hear and what a perfect day to do so... being we would normally be going to church. I have never heard the Reverend Danny Jones before from the Northlake Baptist Church but this message from April 19, 2020 was right on the mark.  It has been circulating for over a week in social media formats in various clip sizes but I wanted to offer the whole link and I wanted to offer it to you from the church itself - so it won't be pulled down.
Get a cup of coffee, your bible, a note pad if you take notes and get ready to see the narrative of the chilling timeline we have been living and what that means to you.
The link contains their entire Sunday morning worship service.  If you want to hear just the message, fast-forward to the 24:00 minute mark.  Blessings!