Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Prayer Call - Notes to Consider

I have started a conference call where believers around the nation can gather to pray.  We meet three times a week and we petition heaven for all that concerns us.  Here are the notes from our first call.  JOIN US as we pray for our nation...

1. God is a Warrior. YAHWEH is His Name. (Exodus 15:3)

a. He does not sleep

b. We were created, saved, and empowered for RIGHT NOW

2. Jesus has won the victory! 

a. We have HOPE because we have all authority given to us by Jesus

b. We are closer to the Day - JESUS will return; 

i. We know the end! God wins!

ii. We know darkness may increase in onslaught – BUT GOD! 

iii. Evil is not new

iv. The devil’s objective is – to kill, steal, and destroy but YOU have come to

3. EXPOSE ALL that is operating against you, your kingdom, right now in an accelerated way (Psalms 11: 3-7)

a. Keep us from being distracted, or taken advantage of

b. Show us the path we need to walk on

c. Keep our heart from believing the “system”

4. WAKE us up so that we KNOW THE truth. 

a. to hear the truth – to listen to YOUR voice (turn off the voice of the liar) – the mind control

b. to see the truth – to be set free. Teach us how to recognize “mind control” when operating

5. RENEW our minds – open our minds to “critical thinking” (I Peter 1:13)

a. show us – set an alarm in us when we keep hearing the mantra, propaganda, lies; over and over

b. ask questions; if others get defensive – they may be under mind control

c. expose the “controlled opposition” in our midst; the ONLY side we need to choose is JESUS!

d. Father, set us free from this spirit of control that is founded in communism; Lucifarianism

i. Lord, separate our heart from these forms of lies

6. Fix our EYES (on Jesus) to see what the Holy Spirit reveals to us;

a. the Mind of Christ to understand and 

b. perceive Truth, and 

c. ears to hear the voice of God above the deafening noise surrounding us

d. Don’t disengage


a. Don’t bow to fear or to lies

b. Father, reveal the lies


a. Sex trafficking rings

b. Pedophilia and all the darkness being exposed

c. Tear down all the evil in the high places

d. Businesses involved in the evil

e. People, politicians, leaders, involved in the evil

9. Pray in the Spirit for understanding, wisdom, revelation

a. tearing down of these evil places; the new world order. 

b. Give us strategies to stand against the evil.

c. Show us how to intercede and 

d. Call us to pray during the day; we commit to spiritual warfare; 

i. Father, break down these strongholds

ii. Expose the “plan” of the enemy

iii. Awaken your bride

10. Father, BRING Revelation; show us what you need us to know. (I Peter 4:7)

a. Help us hear even the disturbing and unbelievable (in the sex industry). Lead us to trustworthy sources

b. Masks are not about protection; they are about submission and mental conditioning

c. Social distancing is not about protection; it is about control

d. Riots and protests are not about ending racism but ending free speech

e. Father, nothing that is happening is about what they make it out to be; OPEN OUR minds, ears, eyes and thinking to NOT believe their lies. They purpose is to harm us, control; you protect.

f. Teach us to HEAR; Let us not seek information apart from you.

i. When we hear news, give us understanding of their narrative – gaining facts of what I going on. We SEEK YOU for our truth.

ii. We need to understand THEIR NARRATIVE (the storyline) but

iii. We get our “FACTS” from you, Lord.

11. Pray for COURAGE to speak up:

a. Show us how to pray

b. Show us how to support proven, effective anti-trafficking organizations

c. Tell us what to do

d. Prepare us for what is coming! TRAIN US, Father! Let us be ready!

e. Wake us up to know; it’s not about the virus, it is what is coming BECAUSE of this virus.

f. Mentally make us strong. We need to be aware!

i. Give us strategies to prepare for what ONLY you know.

ii. Show us. Teach us. Guide us.

iii. Prepare us for war; civil, global, cyber, power shortages, nuclear, disease. SHOW US WHERE YOU ARE and how to find you in the NOW so we are prepared for THEN!

iv. People are going to become desperate as the times get harder. WE ARE THE LIGHTHOUSE to the world – to draw them. (Isaiah 60)

12. Pray for PROTECTION:

a. Father, protect us and those in your kingdom

i. President Trump – for his life and for him, as he is the protector of our nation

ii. Put good counsel next to him

b. Expose where this evil is lying; even in our community, our circles, our family

c. Give us WISDOM to keep our eyes on you; not on our flesh. Make yourself known to us like never before.

d. Protect our minds. Teach us to guard our mind. May we be seated in YOUR presence daily.

e. Help us set up BOUNDARIES so we will know how to operate in YOUR KINGDOM

13. We fight FROM VICTORY won by the Blood of Jesus, hidden in Christ

a. Help us show up in the battle!