Monday, July 27, 2020

WARFARE Prayer on behalf of Police, Security, and other Police Units

Father, in the Name of Jesus and by the Authority of the Shed Blood of Jesus Christ and the Finished Work of Calvary, we soak all police, all fire, all emergency workers and all military in the Blood of Jesus, the Love of Jesus, and the Fire of the Holy Spirit.

In the Name of Jesus, we cut off the Jezebel and Ahab spirits that are attacking all those in authority who are keeping law and order in our communities! We cut off every spirit of witchcraft, every spirit of rebellion, every spirit of juju, every blood sacrifices of any kind, animal or human. We cut off every spirit of offense, doubt, self - pity and unbelief that is motivating Antifa, White Supremacy groups, BLM, and all other groups. We speak to the sources of funding of these groups and command that funding to dry up from the root in the Name of Jesus!

Father in 2 Kings 6:14-17 you tell the story of the delivery of Elisha and his servants from the Arameans. Lord, deliver our police! Deliver our fire services! Deliver our emergency services! Deliver the innocent from these hoodlums who have taken over their communities and who are extorting monies! Lord, unmask these people for who they really are and cause them to be confused! Cause them to be blinded! Cause them to war against one another, leaving the innocent behind.

“On receiving the report, “Elisha is in Dothan,” the king of Aram sent horses, chariots, and a great army. They went there by night and surrounded the city. When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early in the morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. So he asked Elisha, “Oh, my master, what are we to do?”

“Do not be afraid,” Elisha answered, “for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

Then Elisha prayed, “O LORD, please open his eyes that he may see.”

And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw that the hills were full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Father, many of our people who have been raised without discipline find these movements attractive. Rip the scales from their eyes! Help them to see that these movements are destroying the very institutions that are trying to help the poor and needy! God, give our people hearts of compassion! Break those stony hearts and give them hearts of flesh!

Lord, there are many educators in America who are promoting Marxism and/or Socialism. Father, open their eyes to see that the very freedom of speech they are currently abusing would be impossible under such regimes. Lord, many of these demonstrators are well - intentioned people who have believed the lies of the Enemy. Open their eyes to see Your Truth!

Lord, let every one of these looters and rioters fall on their faces in worship before you! Send the convicting power of the Holy Spirit upon these people! Bring these people to their knees in full repentance! Let riots turn to revivals!

Father, we come against every Jezebel and Ahab spirit, every spirit of homosexuality, and every other spirit of sexual perversion that has taken over the entertainment industry and television programming. Lord, protect our children from these demonic influences! We bind these people’s minds so that when they go to think up new and worse perversions, they become confused, in the Name of Jesus!

Lord, bring revival throughout America! Father, forgive us for trying to ignore what was happening. Forgive us for not praying and fasting harder! Forgive us for trying to blame others rather than waging spiritual warfare before things came to this point.

Lord, in your mercy, remove COVID - 19 or else let the cases be so mild that those who develop it will recover. Father, we bind every spirit of witchcraft that is trying to afflict the righteous with this virus. Lord, we cut off every spirit of lies that is spreading false information about COVID - 19. Lord, restore the agricultural industry! Restore small businesses! Restore the years that the swarming locust has eaten!

Father, let America truly be “One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Let the righteous in America stand up and fight for the truth! Do not allow cyber - stalking and cyber bullying to continue.

Father, grant our leaders divine wisdom and discernment. Let them be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Let everything they say, every decision they take, be purified by your Holy Spirit.

Lord, raise up righteous leadership throughout America and protect the righteous! Let all occult activity cease throughout all of America, particularly in areas in which witches, warlocks and others have hooked into demons that were already there.

Lord, we soak America in the Blood of Jesus, the Love of Jesus, and the Fire of the Holy Spirit!