Saturday, August 1, 2020

End the Pandemic Freedom Day - Berlin

So this is Berlin... YESTERDAY! What? You didn’t hear about this HUGE event on MSM? Shocking - said!

The media reports you mostly could find said about 20,000 protesters came out. 🤔 Looks about right - 🤣🤣🤣

They (the people) came out to “push back” against this global pandemic”.

Remember the guy (with only a biology degree - Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General) from W.H.O. who “declared” this global emergency situation, oh-so-many news-cycles ago (March 11, 2020). Remember? Yeah, the world is not buying it
no more🤦

"End the Pandemic Freedom Day" reported it had 1.3 Million people come out but the mainstream media (MSM) isn’t interested in covering this as a headline; it’s buried in the back pages. MSM isn’t selling facts; they are selling a narrative of fear - and it seems to still be working here in America. 😳

You can walk into most countries, all over the world (including countries that we think are controlled like Iran) and buy HQC ... OVER THE COUNTER but not so here in the “land of the free and the home of the brave”. To quote the (mouthy) younger folks today (not all mind you, but some), “NOPE!”

And before any of the leftist liberals I know want to “fact-check” this, (another false-flag the world has bought into - but that topic is for another day) and the validity of the event (because few media outlets are giving front page coverage to anything called "news" if it doesn’t fit the globalists narrative) ... the photo on the bridge (above) was a real-time photo through a friend who was there.

Where are we, Americans? Are you still a “sheeple” following along with the narrative?

Are you not noticing that the media is censoring anything they don’t want people to read? What happened to the "Free Press" in this free nation?  What happened to "free speech"?  Google, Facebook, Twitter, and many other outlets are taking down information almost as fast as people can post it.  

You should be concerned my fellow American! Very concerned!

NOTE: People asked me to post a source: End the Pandemic Freedom Day - the Sun. Here is one. Duck-Duck-Go it (not using that other name "no more".) You will find info about the Berlin event on August 1, 2020 but NOTE those reports will SAY "thousands", not the 1.5 million who actually were there.

How did I get 1.5 million? Look at the photo here from 2001, where the same area of the city had a different gathering - the Love Parade. Then the MSM reported over a million were present as that event fit the political narrative, you see. Now, look at the photo below it, from August 1, 2020, in the same area of the city. Yep, suddenly that crowd is only "thousands".  Hmmm....I guess they forgot the word "hundreds" before the word "thousands" when they went to print, apparently. 