Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Witchcraft in the Camp

During the debate, last night, I felt the need to pray against witchcraft. This morning I find this.

Many of you may or may not understand how false religions work.  You may or may not understand that witchcraft has not ceased to exist just because we live in a first world country.

When we study Jesus and His teaching, He addressed the Kingdom of God more than any other topic that He spoke on.  (I understand that you can make statistics say almost anything... right? But that aside...) His ministry was focused on establishing the Kingdom - here on earth that He was establishing.  He came to set us free! Jesus would contrast earthly rulers with His Kingdom.  He also showed how His Father stood in total contrast to other gods.

Other gods.... hmmmm. In the garden, we find this leader of the fallen angels who presents himself as the bearer of truth; informing Adam and Eve of how their God was withholding from them.  This snake has transformed himself into many places of rule in our world's history, has possessed many leaders, has been worshiped as gods, and has been called by many names; devil, prince of darkness, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, lord of the flies, the antichrist, father of lies, Moloch, Leviathan, Belial, Gadreel, Focalor, Belueth.  He is a transformer and we haven't even talked about eh rulers and kingdoms who have been under his control. 

He is at the bottom of every religion and occult practice.  He is behind ALL false doctrines. He represents EVERYTHING that is apart from God and all roads of every counterfeit spiritual practice lead to the same evil and mastermind - Lucifer.

Jesus is the ONLY way to Jehovah God through the power of the Holy Spirit.  The Trinity. The tree in one.  The ONLY true God.  ALL other religions, practices, forms of spirituality are FALSE! Period.

With that, listen to this clip, you will hear Joe Biden say  "inshallah" which means, "If Allah wills it." I mentioned last night (in a few prayer groups that I am in) that there was "witchcraft" in play. I recognized it when Christ Wallace DEMANDED that Trump "say the name" to activate the curses by calling on the spirits of the dead.* (Google this... you will find what I am talking about.) Christ Wallace (whether he knew it or not) was activating a spell in his demands to Trump saying, "say the name". 

This was right under our noses but most of us didn't even hear it. The enemy, (Lucifer - as we don't wrestle with flesh and blood) has Biden calling on a Muslim god to be released into the debates.

DEAR CHRISTIAN - it is time to up our steadfastness.  WE NEED TO BE IN PRAYER! WE NEED TO BE FASTING! WE NEED TO BE STANDING ON THE WALL - the enemy is trying to take out our gates and invade our nation!

Just last week while praying, the Lord led me to a new level of awareness about this piece of "witchcraft" that is moving in our CHRISTIAN nation. He spoke to my spirit and said, "Oh you foolish Americans, who has bewitched you?"  I immediately knew what scripture He was referencing and went to look it up. Galatians 3:1-3 in the NIV is where you will find the reference; Oh you foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? 

People, OUR nation has allowed the evil one to penetrate our culture; through abortion (the sacrificing of innocent lives to Moloch), the "spirit cooking" (demonic rituals including cannibalism), the witchcraft through "secret societies" like Freemasonry, and elitists groups like the Bohemian Grove and Skull and Bones.  Now add to all this past breakdown we have these witches who founded black lives matter are outwardly speaking about allowing the "dead" (ancestors and other people recently who died) to "work through them".  They are allowing demons to talk to them, teach them, instruct them; and they are openly talk about how they are responding to those dead spirits.  They call it "honoring".  Don't believe is a link regarding a discussion at the Fowler Museum at UCLA with Patrisse Cullors and Melina Abdullah on June 13, 2020 talking about Black Lives Matter (BLM). (NOTE: This link has a video that loops three times at the beginning talking about the "prayer" of the ancestors. It is looped intentionally to try and suck you in through the evil of the spirit. This whole movement [BLM] is tethered into African mysticism, talking to the dead [ancestral work], Hinduism as well as this thing they call "spiritualism"; you can see what I am talking about in this video.  You can skip forward to 18:12 to get past the loop.)

They go on to talk about "shredding".  Again, this is spiritual activation of what they want to have done in the natural.  For a comparison; as a believer we eat bread and drink wine and we do this as an act of covenant with Jesus, remembering what He did for us on the cross.  Satan is activating these witches to "acts" that are representing something.  Kind of like a voodoo doll.  

Then she talks about "repetition".  Again, this is a counterfeit to what God established; meditation.  God told us to meditate on the Word of God.  To hide God's Word in our heart so we don't sin against Him. How do we memorize the Word? Through repetition.  That is why this video started out with 3 repeats of her "practice".

Let me say, I believe black people matter. I also believe brown, yellow, white and ALL people matter. Wow - wake up believer.  RUN from this evil. As children of the living God we are to have NOTHING to do with this witchcraft. It is NOT of Jehovah God!  Father, forgive us! Jesus come! Maranatha!

*Here is a teaching by Spencer Smith on Beyonce, Black is King, BLM and Black Magic.  He goes into more depth of the evil implications and what the Word of God has to say about this.

Another link: Marxist leaders behind the BLM movement in America.