Wednesday, October 21, 2020



So my dear friends... see how the Lord is moving? This was just published days ago on October 19, 2020. The Lord is speaking. The Lord is moving. AWAKE and ARISE! BE ENCOURAGED SAINTS.  GOD IS WITH US!

 First, here is the word from Rebecca Shocklee: Judges 7 — I woke up this morning and Holy Spirit lead me to read this chapter in Judges! ! You guys We are the Lord's Army! We Only Fear the Lord and with Fierce Faith, we will Arise and Overcome!

God is raising up His Gideon’s in the earth— some of those who thought they were the least, the weakest, or most insignificant in their tribe. God is saying, “Arise, Arise, Mighty warriors! Those of you who I’ve called by name, those who have been faithful, obedient, and fearless, those who know me, you are significant in my eyes! I’ve watched you press through and this is the time to Shine! I’m calling you forth to the front lines! Take your position of authority and Arise, watch me move through you for this battle is all mine! I will release a sound through you that will make the enemy tremble! My anointing is upon you and you will see a move of my Spirit that will shake the nations to their knees. I will use you in this hour to be Brave and to Believe! Revival is being ignited through the awakening of my presence! My presence will cause many to come to repentance! And You will see my miraculous victories! Not by your might nor by your power by but my Spirit says the Lord! Blow the Trumpet! Raise the Torch! Sound the Alarm! My Army is assembling and I will be your voice! My power will not be found in numbers but in the spirit of your purity and unity! I will breathe on you and you will go wherever I send you! My Glory will be upon you like flames of fire! Nothing will stand in your way! I myself go before you and prepare the way! “- Rebecca Shocklee

Then, here is a song (also authored by her) and posted October 6. Are you AWAKE?

Verse 1: Arise, arise 
Can you feel the fire? 
Rising up higher 
Higher, higher 
Arise, arise 
Darkness can't stand by 
Cause the light is getting brighter 
Brighter, brighter 

Pre Chorus: And when we hear the trumpet sound 
And the four winds blow 
We will be the ones found 
Looking up ready to go 
And in the twinkling of an eye 
We will be raised high 
Every heart beating in time 
With Adonai 

Chorus: Awake, Awake 
Sleeping giant 
Open your eyes, it's time 
To rise and shine 
Awake, Awake 
Sleeping giant 
Open your eyes, it's time 
Dry bones come alive 

Verse 2: Revive, revive 
Breathe the breath of life 
Let it fill you with power 
Power, power 
Revive, revive 
Heed His voice be wise 
Ready for the final hour 
Hour, hour 

Bridge: Holy, holy is the one 
Who was and is and is to come 
Oh, Holy, Holy 
Holy, holy is the one 
Who was and is and is to come 
Oh, Holy, holy 

Chorus: Awake, Awake 
Sleeping giant 
Open your eyes, it's time 
To rise and shine 
Awake, Awake 
Sleeping giant 
Open your eyes, it's time 
Dry bones come alive 
Awake, Awake 
Sleeping giant 
Open your eyes, it's time 
To rise and shine 
Awake, Awake 
And open your eyes 
Dry bones come alive

God is REDEEMING our land.  You can feel the Lord moving in this song - out across our nation for such a time as this. Redemption is in the air. Reformation is coming. AWAKEN!