Monday, October 5, 2020

Stand In The Gap

When I heard that the president and the first lady had Covid, like many of you, we began to pray. I have to admit though, I felt there could be something suspicious going on, maybe even foul play involved.

With the releasing of the information that Hillary was behind the Russia hoax, it is clear that some people will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. As corrupt as the FBI and possibly Secret Service has become, I believe our President could have been contaminated on purpose, for that matter, everyone in his inner circle, as we are hearing more and more people now have tested positive who are close to the President. It is the timing... they didn’t expose each other (look at the outbreak timing) to this virus as they were all together – exposed simultaneously apparently at the Rose Garden event.

With that, I want to say, that many people around the nation are increasingly testing positive and many of them never even know they were sick. Testing positive does not mean impending death. In fact, quite the opposite. The more positive tests followed by less deaths means this virus is not of the magnitude we were told it would be at the beginning - when we shut everything down. The numbers are exposing the lies and the agenda! The numbers are also showing us how God is working! Thank you, Father!

We should not be surprised, if this was an attack, as the enemy has tried everything else but has failed. If people paid millions of dollars for a fake dossier, what’s another few millions to a Secret Service or FBI Agent or someone close to the President who can infect him (and those near him) just 30 days before the election with the virus?

Prophetically, we have been warned that things are going to get muddy here; in the days heading to the election. We are seeing that. Let us take this information and always apply it toward how we pray! God is revealing to us the pieces so we will stand in the gap in prayer! Father, we ask for angels to encircle the president, defend those protecting the principles of the Constitution, and intercede for those holding up this great nation. Father, in Jesus name, we need your angel armies to defend the very foundations of this republic! We are in a war with not a single bullet being fired! Awaken your intercessors, your church, believers and followers of Jesus, to take their positions on the wall for battle. We need to hold the line in Jesus’ name!

Father, we put our trust in you! Lord keep the President healthy, safe from harm and effective for your plans to be established. Remind us to keep him in our prayers; day and night. Father, may your children declare a fast and pray for our nation and leaders as we now are voting for the future of this nation! This is a spiritual battle being played out in full sight. 

Y’all, we have been praying for the president to be protected from assassination attempts… but again, I think most of us are of the mindset that the weapon used against him would be in the form of bullets or explosives… not germ warfare or biomedical or who knows what. We need to sharpen our game, expand our influence and take spiritual territory in Jesus’ name! Awaken!

The last administration had access for eight years; and evil doesn’t think like you think. We have to ask the Lord to show us how to pray. To the pure, all things are pure. We don’t know how to pray against sinister if we are not of that mindset. Father, tear down the strongholds, show us what you want us to pray! We need you Lord to show us what we are dealing with. We just don’t think this way. Father, teach us your ways and strategies!

Let us remember, that the enemy (the devil) always overplays his hand. Satan thought, if he could kill Jesus, put him in the grave, then he would win… but as we all know, that wasn’t the case! That was just the beginning of our victory in Christ. The devil always overplays his hand. That is what is going on now. We must pray and seek the Lord. God is with us! I believe this attack (COVID being unleashed on many, now in the inner circles of the President), has even moved on the hearts of many American people who didn’t like Donald Trump. Many are now “praying” for him; even Nancy Pelosi said she is praying for his healing. God will use this to soften hearts.

What I’m saying is this, just because people are twisted in their political beliefs, doesn’t mean they are all sinister. I believe, as people will pray for the healing of

Donald Trump, their hearts will soften. That is why we are to pray for our enemies. God wants to soften our hearts for his kingdom to come… this is not about our agenda. God will use this too, for good; for the saving of many lives!

I have heard of people, who were invited to the White House last week, who are also now Covid positive. I heard of a friend’s pastor who was in Washington DC as a special guest at the White House event and is now COVID positive too. Timing is suspicious and many are using the word, “sabotage”! Let us pray that the Lord will expose and defeat any and all attempts against our president, his administration, and let us pray that the Lord’s kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven, in Jesus mighty name!

We pray also for Melania, Ronna, Kellyanne and several other high level Republicans including all the Senators who will be voting for Amy Coney Barrett. Healing and protection in Jesus mighty name!

Let us be faithful with what we are called to do! Father we ask you for miracles; for the healing of our president, his wife, his cabinet, those close to him, and Father, we pray for healing of our nation! In Jesus’ mighty name! Maranatha.