Friday, November 13, 2020

Pulled You Out...

Pulled You Out...

I would have pulled Joseph out. 
Out of that pit. 
Out of that prison. 
Out of that pain. 
I would have cheated nations out of the one God would use to deliver them from famine.

I would have pulled David out. 
Out of Saul’s spear-throwing presence. 
Out of the caves he hid away in. 
Out of the pain of rejection. 
I would have cheated Israel out of a God-hearted king.

I would have pulled Esther out. 
Out of being snatched from her only family. 
Out of being placed in a position she never asked for. 
Out of the path of a vicious, power-hungry foe. 
I would have cheated a people out of the woman God would use to save their very lives.

I would have pulled Jesus off. 
Off of the cross. 
Off of the road that led to suffering and pain. 
Off of the path that would mean nakedness and beatings, nails and thorns. 
I would have cheated the entire world out of a Savior. Out of salvation. Out of an eternity filled with no more suffering and no more pain.

And oh, friend, I want to pull you out. 
I want to change your path. 
I want to stop your pain. 
But right now I know I would be wrong. 
I would be out of line. 
I would be cheating you and cheating the world out of so much good. 
Because God knows. 
He knows the good this pain will produce. 
He knows the beauty this hardship will grow. 
He’s watching over you and keeping you even in the midst of this. 
He’s promising you that you can trust Him. 
Even when it all feels like more than you can bear.

So instead of trying to pull you out, I’m lifting you up. 
I’m kneeling before the Father and I’m asking Him to give you strength. 
To give you hope. 
I’m asking Him to protect you and to move you when the time is right. 
I'm asking Him to help you stay prayerful and discerning. 
I'm asking Him how I can best love you, and be a help to you. 
I’m believing He’s going to use your life in powerful and beautiful ways. 
Ways that will leave your heart grateful and humbly thankful for this road you’ve been on.

by Kimberly Henderson — Proverbs 31 Ministries

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Praying in Tongues

Praying in Tongues – by Anonymous

Tongues is the entrance into the supernatural.

Tongues is the prayer in the New Testament.

Tongues is a direct line to talking to God.

Tongues is the believer’s direct access to the throne room.

Tongues is speaking divine mysteries – divine coded secrets.

Tongues is drawing secrets to life’s complicated issues.

Tongues is prophesying your God-ordained future.

Tongues is praying out God’s plan for your life.

Tongues is knowledge, counsel, and secrets withheld from the wicked.

Tongues is the entrance into the realm of the spirit – the miraculous zone.

Tongues is strengthening your inner man with might.

Tongues keeps you spiritually fit.

Tongues is praying things that have been concealed to be revealed.

Tongues is decreeing the Rhema’s of God.

Tongues pulls you from the past into the future.

Tongues is home improvement and a source of spiritual edification.

Tongues is building a strong premise to carry the anointing.

Tongues builds and stimulates your faith.

Tongues gives you unstoppable progress that your enemies cannot deny.

Tongues is giving praise and thanksgiving well unto God.

Tongues lines you up with the divine will of God.

Tongues is speaking the language and will of God.

Tongues help with your ultimate weakness.

Tongues is the ultimate assistance to prayer.

Tongues qualifies all things to work for your good.

Tongues renders you to be God-inside minded.

Tongues makes you miracle-minded.

Tongues magnifies God.

Tongues enlarges your perspective of God’s potency in your life.

Tongues gives spiritual refreshing and rest.

Tongues hones your sharpness and accuracy in the anointing.

Tongues facilitates the entrance into the gifts of the Spirit.

Tongues equips you for the wonders of God.

Tongues is fine-tuning and sensitizing your spirit man to the voice of God.

Tongues is assistance to bring your natural tongue under subjection.

Tongues develops intimacy with the Holy Ghost.

Tongues is your private conversation with God.

Tongues is deep calling unto deep.

Tongues accesses revelation knowledge.

Tongues taps into the mind of God.

Tongues opens the Scriptures to you from a divine perspective rather than an intellectual standpoint.

Tongues is part of the armor of God, the lance that will shoot down the enemy.

Tongues is the pilum to cause great damage to the kingdom of darkness.

Tongues helps you to develop your prayer life.

Tongues synchronizes you with the timing of God.

Tongues is with the assignment of God.

Tongues is a door of utterance and boldness.

Tongues is the Holy Spirit searching your heart and praying the perfect will of God through you.

Tongues is pulling treasure out of you.

Tongues is leaning upon God.

Tongues is blowing the ram’s horn for battle.

Tongues is the rallying sound of victory.

Tongues is releasing angels on heavenly assignments to change earthly situations.

Tongues is a brainstorming session with God.

Tongues taps into the creativity of Elohim.

Tongues over rule and overturn death assignments against your life.

Tongues reverses demonic assignments against your well-being.

Tongues removes you from the limitations of the flesh to God’s abundant supply of the Spirit.

Tongues is making demands upon the power of God.

Tongues enables a closer walk with God.

Tongues is speaking the hidden wisdom of God.

Tongues is the beginning of being led by the Holy Spirit.

Tongues is living supernaturally in a natural world.

Tongues opens the heavens and charges the atmosphere.

Tongues is the release of the shekinah glory.

Tongues is getting drunk in the new wine of the Holy Ghost.

Tongues is pouring in the oil and wine of the Holy Ghost.

Tongues are life-filled words, faith-filled words and anointing-filled words.

Tongues lights the fire of God in your life.

Tongues delivers you from the scourge of the tongue.

Tongues is unlocking every closed prison door in your life.

Tongues is the beginning and maintaining partnership with the Holy Spirit.

Tongues is releasing the winds of God to blow in your life.

Tongues is the wind in your sail.

Tongues is the wind beneath your wings.

Tongues unleashes the winds of revival and refreshing in your life.

Tongues is refilling empty vessels.

Tongues is Spirit-to-Spirit communication.

Tongues helps in living effectively in the last days.

Tongues is the ignition key to walking in the power of God.

Tongues is being endued with power from on high.

Tongues is rivers of living waters flowing out of you.

Tongues is drinking from the river and reservoir of God.

Tongues is serving God from your spirit.

Tongues enables you to perform your priestly duties.

Tongues is building the image of God and confidence in you.

Tongues is expressing, enforcing, and declaring the will of God in your life and the earth.

Tongues is extracting answers from the indwelling Spirit to solve life’s problems.

Tongues is praying from your spirit.

Tongues is giving your spirit ascendency and power over your flesh.

Tongues aids you to mortify the deeds and evil cravings of the flesh.

Tongues connects the intercession of the Holy Spirit with your great High Priest Jesus.

Tongues is the highest form of the prayer of agreement.

Tongues is the divine agreement of the prayers of our earthly and heavenly intercessor with the plans of God.

Tongues is the threefold cord that will not be broken.

Tongues is ministering to yourself, to the Lord, and unto others.

Tongues is worshiping the Father in spirit and in truth.

Tongues charges your spiritual battery.

Tongues makes you God-friendly rather than seeker friendly, equips you for the wonders of God.

Tongues is a well springing up.

Tongues is the Perfect Prayer to God.

Tongues are used more often to pray by Prophetic Intercessors than their natural language.

Tongues have supernatural power.

There is no comparison to Praying in Tongues to ones natural language. One is the Supernatural Spirit of God (God’s Perfect Prayer)


the other natural flesh with the natural mind.

Let's start praying in tongues more daily.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Psalm 91 - Pray Every Word Over Yourself Daily

Psalm 91 - Pray Every Word Over Yourself Daily

A friend shared this (Joe) and so I took some liberties (making it first person) and posted it here. A good word for all of us in these days.


When I dwell in the shelter of the Most High, I will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my Elohai (G-d), in Whom I trust.”

For He will deliver me from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover me with his pinions, and under His wings I will find refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and buckler. I will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday. 

A thousand may fall at my side, ten thousand at my right hand, but it (the terror, arrows, pestilence, darkness, or destruction) will not come near me. I will only look with my eyes and see the recompense of the wicked. 

Because I have made the Lord my dwelling place— the Most High, who is my refuge—no evil shall be allowed to befall me, no plague come near my tent.

For He will command His angels concerning me to guard me in all my ways. On their (the angels’) hands they will bear me up, lest I strike my foot against a stone. I will tread on the lion and the adder; the young lion and the serpent I will trample underfoot.

“Because I hold fast to God in love, God will deliver me; He will protect me, because I know His name. When I call to Him, He will answer me; God will be with me in trouble; God will rescue me and honor me (because I held onto Him). With long life God will satisfy me and show me His salvation.”

Friday, November 6, 2020


PRAYER POINT ONE: Expose and hold accountable those who practice the seven things God hates and He says are detestable to Him: According to Proverbs 6:16-17, There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to Him: 1. haughty eyes2. a lying tongue3. hands that shed innocent blood4. a heart that devises wicked plans5. feet that are quick to rush into evil6. a false witness who pours out lies7. a person who stirs up conflict in the community Heavenly Father, we humbly ask that in the battleground states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, and Nevada please silence every lying tongue and convict the hearts of those who devise wicked plans intended to invalidate and nullify the expressed will of the voters. Stop those who would be quick to rush into evil. Expose and silence every false witness who utters lies and operates in deceit. Thwart the efforts of every person who attempts to stir conflict within their community. 

PRAYER POINT TWO: Expose all wickedness intended to steal, kill and destroy the electoral process in these battleground states. Heavenly Father, we humbly ask that in the battleground states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, and Nevada that you "reveal deep and hidden things. You know what lies in darkness. Light dwells with You.” (Daniel 2:22) Please bring to light and expose every lie, deceit, deception, misrepresentation and illegal act intended to “steal, kill and destroy" the electoral process and the expressed will of the citizens and these states. (John 10:10). 

PRAYER POINT THREE: Frustrate those who seek to steal, kill, and destroy electoral integrity and authentic, accurate vote counts in these battleground states. Heavenly Father, please, “Frustrate the plotting of the shrewd so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise or attain success." May no weapon formed intended to steal, kill and destroy the authentic, accurate vote count and expressed will of the people in the battleground states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, and Nevada "be allowed to prosper." (Isaiah 54:17). 

PRAYER POINT FOUR: Frustrate and thwart the plans of those who attempt to sabotage the state’s election laws and subvert the expressed will of the people. Heavenly Father, please “Capture the wise by their own shrewdness and quickly thwart the advice of the cunning” (Job 5:12) whose intention is to sabotage and subvert state and federal election law and the expressed will of the people in the battleground states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, and Nevada. "Hold them guilty O LORD, by their own devices let them fall.” (Psalm 5:10) 

PRAYER POINT FIVE: Psalm 5 for protection and favor for President Trump Heavenly Father, please “Give ear to President’ Trump’s words, O LORD, consider President Trump’s groaning. Heed the sound of his cry for help, His King and His God. For to You does he pray. In the morning O LORD, you will hear his voice; in the morning, he will order his prayer to you and eagerly watch. For you are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness; no evil dwells with You. The boastful shall to stand before Your enemies; You hate all who do iniquity. Destroy those who speak falsehood You abhor the man of bloodshed and deceit. But as for President Trump by Your abundant lovingkindness he will enter Your house. At your holy temple, he will bow in reverence for you. Lord, please lead President Trump in Your righteousness because of his foes. Make his way straight before him. There is nothing reliable in what they say; their throat is an open grave; they flatter with their tongue. Hold them guilty, O God, by their own devices let them fall! In the multitude of their transgressions thrust them out for they are rebellious against You. But let President Trump take refuge in You and be glad. Let him ever sing for joy. May you shelter him. May he who loves Your name exult in You. Bless President Trump, O LORD. Surround him with favor as with a shield.” Heavenly Father, please give supernatural wisdom, strength and discernment to the President and his advisors regarding how to navigate the road ahead. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.

It is alleged that Michele Bachman was part of creating this prayer list.