Tuesday, January 19, 2021



All of a sudden I heard the sound of the trumpet blowing very loudly in the spiritual realms, like an alarming war sound.

All over the globe, I saw His warrior bride snapping into attention, their wedding gowns were dazzling white, and with no exception, I saw them all wearing the full armor of God over their wedding dress, it was not disturbing at all it seemed like they were all tailor-made.

I could see and experience these were seasoned warrior brides on the front lines, their eyes were super focused and sharp like that of the eagle, their ears were inclined and trained to be able to even catch His slightest whispered order, their shields were shining and their swords were flaming razor-sharp blades.

I saw them from a helicopter view all across the globe, from all tribes, nations, social-economic backgrounds, young and old, and what struck me; most were women and children.  I could feel their heartbeat which was beating with an abandoned deep compassionate fiery love for their Bridegroom Jesus, there was no distraction in their hearts anymore He was sitting on the throne.

These are the laid down lovers who have been tested and tried through the fires of opposition, of loss, of trails, suffering, and persecution, and instead of shrinking back, they ran into the fire, where their love was purified and matured.

As I kept looking and listening, I heard thousands and hundreds of thousands of heartbeats and what struck me that though there were so many; they were all beating in perfect harmony and unity, all of a sudden I heard a very loud and strong heartbeat louder than the rest but beating in the exact same rhythm and as the vision zoomed out, even more, I saw that all those hearts where hidden in His, hence their beating in perfect unity.

What I also sensed and experienced very strongly was, on one hand, this was His seasoned warrior bride army who individually but also corporately has made history with Him in fighting on the frontlines and winning battles.

I could see and experience they were feared in hell and known in Heaven, on the other hand, they were like one big warm family, no competition, no jealousy, they know who and whose they are and though they are Satan’s biggest nightmare and you can't mess with them, they also were like a big warm cuddly fuzzy teddy bear family.

All of a sudden I heard the sound of many, many, many wings and I saw hundreds of thousands of warrior angels descending, they were assigned to individuals and groups to fight alongside them and do at their biding.

Psalm 91 came to mind "God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go, defending you from all harm. If you walk into a trap, they’ll be there for you and keep you from stumbling. You’ll even walk unharmed among the fiercest powers of darkness, trampling every one of them beneath your feet!"

Psalms 91:11-13 The Passion Translation — As I kept looking I hear to each group and individual special orders was given, Heavenly strategies, as they received them they heard which part on the globe was their frontline. Then like on a video screen I saw the army of the enemy and their different divisions, one could hear them talking about their plans, their next move, their next destination, their strategies; each warrior bride group had a main screen and every individual in that group had a smaller screen as well with more specific details of what was happening in the enemy’s camp.

They were not actual screens to hold but more like a movie playing in front of them and the sound was so clear it was like wearing earplugs, both to the main and individual screen 

It was glorious and amazing to behold, to see this end-time army being instructed and send out and the enemy had no clue their plans where kind of broadcasted in the spiritual realms, they had no clue God was rising up His warrior bride army to bring massive destruction in the enemy camp and set many captives free.

At the second sound of the trumpet I saw His huge army marching towards their places on the frontlines they were assigned to accompanied by legions of angels.

With no exception, young or old, male or female one sense filled the whole atmosphere; these where His laid down lovers who were willing to give their lives even unto the death for He is worthy of it all, they had one aim: DESTROYING THE WORKS OF THE ENEMY