Tuesday, February 2, 2021

What is the Lord Doing?

To say we are in trying times is a bit of an understatement but even in the midst of all the trials and tribulations, we have a HOPE that only comes from the Lord.  There is indeed much going on but IN ALL that we are facing, I pray you are finding the Lord IN your present situation.  He IS our answer! He is our help! He is the way through!

When we feel pressed, we must always remember the three basic things that God tells us to do: 

1. Stand up for what it right, what is true.

2. Look up. Keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, and then the third thing we are told to do by the Lord is to,

3. Rejoice! Don't ever loose your joy.  The JOY of the Lord is your strength!  

No one in heaven in "wondering" or "worrying" over what is going to happen next here on the planet and neither should we. No on in heaven is wondering if God is going to be late, and so again, neither should we.  We have to position ourselves to live from the perspective of heaven.  We are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:6.

While we wait for the Lord during this interesting time in history, just remember that we don't see the stars until it get's dark.  God is going to SHOW UP, people!

I keep hearing the Lord say, "fix your eyes on me".  With ALL the media, links, and self-appointed "promoters" of truth, "defenders" of the word (people who think they are , we need to remember to keep our EYES FIXED ON JESUS!  Remember the temptation that took Adam and Eve out.  They were "offered" answers to things they were not even looking for.  They got tempted to "understand" - to have ALL knowledge.  Y'all, - Satan is still doing this... TO MANY who call themselves by the name of Christ.  

You probably saw this link, but I am sharing it as Kirk is making the MAIN thing the MAIN thing; not the distraction, the plan, OUR understanding, our perspective.  He is pointing people BACK TO JESUS! That's the answer, y'all.  JESUS! Jesus IS the answer.  

Let's be taking time to "talk with the Lord" MORE than we are "listening" to those sharing their "understanding".  Ya know?

We HAVE to purpose to BE STILL and KNOW HE is God.  

