Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Full Court Press is On

This is a report based on a press conference that happened just last week. I believe before this is all over, we are going to see tribunals for crimes against humanity when all is said and done. The evil is beyond most of our comprehension. You may need to create a Rumble account (you will need to use an email and pick a user name) then you should have no issue viewing their content.

In these most troubling of days, do you think these evil "powers that be", who are pushing the evil agenda we have seen over the last 18 months are just going to "rollover" and allow the truth to come forward without any resistance? I don't think so.

Look at all the tactics they have used to get us this far down the drain. This was not just an attack against America; this has been an worldwide event. This will not end well for them, so my friends, be prepared for a spiritual battle like we have never seen before.

My mom lived under the rise and fall of Hitler. She would talk about the oppression, control, and evil of living under Nazi rule during WWII while living in Vienna. At the end of the war, the underground radio was where the REAL news was heard; yet NO ONE talked about knowing the truth for fear of being shot. The Austrian people knew the Russians were coming from one side to liberate them and the Americans were marching in from the other side. Fear was widespread as the people waited. Prayers were continually prayed as no one wanted to fall under the control of the Russians. They were not much better than than the German occupation. Times got hard before things better. Let us learn from history and be ready for all that is coming. The evil (just like under Hitler) did not die when he died. Those demons who occupied his soul just went into hiding or into other vessels who were willing to make room from them. Those same demons and are now manifesting again, in new faces, but with the same evil agenda. We need to be ready spiritually and sad-to-say, many in the church are still having lattes after being golf-carted to the door. These are the days to seek the Lord while He may still be found. These are the days to HEAR the Lord and what His spirit is saying to the churches (that is you and me). Jesus come! Maranatha!