Sunday, November 28, 2021

So Much to Be Thankful For!

This Sunday after Thanksgiving, I find myself just drinking in the Goodness of God!  Take a few minutes to reflect on how rich the Lord has been to you as you crack this up and just soak in His presence! We serve such an amazing God! He is so faithful. He is so near. He loves you dear one!  Let Him minister life to you. Only He can bring life to all the places that are broken, dry, wounded, hurt, tired, and just hard.

Then move on to this song. Take time to see how It Is Well! This life this past year has been tremendously hard for many, but know you are not alone.  FIND THE LORD! Ask Him to show you where He is. He has been faithful! Yes Lord! You are Good!

Praying for you dear one. You are NOT alone.  Reach out to the Lord and find Him, while He still can be found! So thankful for the Wonderful God we serve!  
