Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Information is Being Controlled

Who would have ever thought that people in the US would be censored, controlled, blocked, shut-down?  Misinformation and dis-information are two new words that are being used to shut down information that gets us to land in the truth.

Truth, for the sake of this analogy, would be the correct description of the state of affairs of a certain topic.  This would be called truth.  In the medical community the term used is called, "inference" which is different than deduction. Inference means that we can never really get to truth so what is done is to try to draw conclusions from things that are around the truth and so a doctor will keep garnering information to know ultimately, what is thought to be the best course for a said patient.  

To understand this, let's take this example; can a doctor REALLY know what is the best medicine for YOUR body? Can a doctor REALLY know that course of action as truth? No, they really can't but through inference; looking at clinical trials, research, studying you, studying your background, everything they can about you, they can conclude, at least at one point in time, that yes, this would be the best medical choice for you. Could this be subject to change in the future? Absolutely, but through the process of inference, a doctor uses information to make the best choice.

Knowing this, you can now begin to think differently when it comes to the "news" and what you are being TOLD is the standard and the way forward. Anyone who understands medicines, KNOWS there is never a ONE WAY through or a one-size-fits-all method.  This is NOT how medicine works and this is why, many doctors are VERY concerned with the "information" that is being shared as "truth" when it comes to the political decisions that have taken place around the globe over the past 18 months.

Here is a link on a movie called: c0v1d Reve@led (spelled wrong but the link works) that is only available for the next 14 hours (posted December 01, 2021) so you need to watch today.  There are three movies to watch.  You will need to give your name, your email, and I also gave my phone number, to receive a text to the link of the movies.

This group (who made this movie) cannot post to normal social media sources because of censorship and bias. There are "powers that be" that don't want you to know the truth because the truth is not part of the narrative.

Jesus, we need you, the Truth, to expose the lies and set your people free.  
