Saturday, January 8, 2022

No More of the Old; It is Time for the New!

Yep! What he said! Mario Murillo is speaking my language here!

This is a time to press into the Lord. We are getting a reprieve from the evil; God will do what we can’t do BUT we can’t go back to “church” as normal!  Keith Green wrote a song about how the Israelites grumbled about the "new" that God had led them too, they wanted to go back to Egypt. This is not the hour to go back. We have to shift to BE the church!

Quit expecting people (your pastors, elders, leaders) to do what God has called US (you and me) to do. It is time for the the one another’s and the "business" of church has come to an end!

When was the last time you prayed for someone? When did you lay hands on someone sick and ask the Lord to bring healing and life into their body?  When was the last time you bought someone a meal or made someone a meal? When did you do something for someone else?  What have you GIVEN? To be a follower of Christ means you should be known as a giver! We need to BE the church!  The days of complaining are over.  We have stepped into the new.

This is a time to repent of being stinky, selfish, self-centered, hearers of the word. We must be known as doers!

Even the demons know Jesus exists… that is NOT enough!

Come Lord Jesus; purify your bride!
