Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Remember to Follow the Science

If you want to find the truth these days, you have already figured out that you cannot trust the media. We all are seeing how they have been bought and paid for, so where do we find the truth when it comes to the numbers?

Well, one avenue of information is from the insurance companies.  See, they are all about numbers and they have to follow the REAL numbers; that is if they want to stay in business.

OneAmerica's CEO Scott Davidson has raised a red-flag with the Chamber of Commerce in Indiana. He is saying the deaths among working-age people are off the charts.  If you think this is not a big deal as you are not familiar with OneAmerica, you should know they are a $100 billion dollar Indiana-based life insurance company with 2,400 employees.  They are a player in this market for sure.

He stated that in the 3rd quarter last year that the death rates were up 40% from pre-pandemic numbers. These are "huge, huge numbers" and this is not just in the elderly or in-firmed but again, the primarily working-age people that are from 18-64. He also stated that most of these death claims are NOT CoVid deaths.  These numbers can be devastating for a life insurance company.

So the question is being raised as to what is causing this rise in numbers post-pandemic. Well, a person has to consider the j-@-b. Davidson said they are seeing a rise in disability claims too. First is was short-term disability claims but now they are seeing long-term disability claims and they are trending up. It doesn't take a rocket-scientists to follow the government CoVid policies and see where the blame is.

If the government is trying to hide the non-CoVid death rate numbers and add the media to that pile as well, we know that insurance companies are carefully tracking the same data and they are not hiding the information. Many insurance companies are publicly traded companies and by law, they MUST report information to their shareholders; including trends in claims paid and financial risks. A good take-away would be for anyone considering getting this experimental injection to load up on the their insurance policies.

A Dutch study titled "SARS-CoV-2 Omicron VOC Transmission in Danish Households" also had a lot of information regarding the newest form of this demonic virus. Comparing households, they stated that there was a 1.17 time higher secondary attack rate (SAR) for un-vaccinated people. 2.61 times higher for fully-vaccinated and 3.66 times higher for booster-vaccinated individuals; demonstrating strong evidence of immune evasiveness of the Omicron VOC. This information is not surprising as it is clear that Omicron appears to prefer the jabbed based on hospitalization numbers and data from areas that track breakthrough cases.

There is more to read on this, but to conclude, the CEO of a South Florida hospital chain said that HALF (50%) of their reported hospitalizations figures are "with Covid" and not "for Covid".  Omicron hospitalizations in Florida are actually much lower than they appear.

The Lord is exposing the truth, even if you can't find it on the 6 o'clock news.  God will show us the way through this maze of evil.  Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. HE IS THE ANSWER. Maranatha!