Saturday, June 20, 2009

AGAPE love - the Challenge

the CHALLENGE: Greek word for sacrificial love, AGAPE: UNCONDITIONAL love that is ALWAYS giving & IMPOSSIBLE to take or be a taker. It devotes TOTAL commitment to seek highest best NO MATTER how anyone may respond. This form of love is totally SELFLESS, does NOT CHANGE whether the love given is returned or not.

I read this article linked to Focus on the Family and was quite challenged with my inability to love.
Matthew J. White in his article, Sacrificial Love is very much on my toes as I read through his article. Our culture is so FAR from this type of love. Just think of some of the commercials we hear over and over, "Have it Your Way", "Just Like You Like It", "You Deserve A Break Today", "Because You're Worth It"; all of these say the same thing, "Me First!". This is NOT agape fact the extreme opposite.

I have heard some friends saying the following, "I did the dishes, so you should bathe the kids." Or "You got to go out with your friends last weekend, so tonight is my turn." Bad enough that we have this attitude in the culture, but in our marriages? Come Holy Spirit, we need thee!  AGAPE Love

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