Monday, June 22, 2009

Thurman Scrivner - TLSM

A friend of mine has been to this ministry for small group teachings on several occasions.  Located in Denton, Texas, The Living Savior Ministries is led by Thurman Scrivner.  She has seen how to walk into her God given place of healing.  She has dealt with several on-going and life altering issues for most of her adult life and this ministry taught her things that she had never applied to her life and she has been walking with the Lord since childhood.

Thurman was raised as Baptist and his ministry started with his ministry to many Baptists.  Of course, anytime you are walking in the anointing of the Lord, you ministry grows and go where God takes it.

I have listened to a few of his teachings and my favorite was How to Be Healed.  They are downloadable and you can purchase them as well. Some of the teachings are quite long, but I loved it.  I have shared the link with a few friends and have heard a variety of responses but I felt it was a link worth sharing.  A tool I learned years ago may be of service to you as you listen to the links.  Remember to eat the fish and spit out the bones or eat the hay and spit out the sticks.  I am not posting this for a critique, I am posting it for people who are looking for answers from the Word on the topic of healing and health.