Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Partial Birth Abortion

I am amazed at how many people, including Christians, who don't know or don't want to know the details that are involved in what doctor's are calling the partial birth abortion procedure. This is a very tasteful demonstration of a doctor showing the process of this procedure using a doll and a curtain set-up. It is very discrete and informative. I post this link because people need to understand how barbaric this procedure is in order to speak against this atrocity. There is NO reason we are conducting such an evil to a living child. We hear all about the rights of the mother, but I want to know why the innocent child in the procedure has no rights. Again, this procedure must be stopped and our current president was the only congressman to vote for the legislation to kill a child who was born alive after a botched abortion. This is just sickening in the least and tragic that we in this culture are allowing this to continue under the guise of a medical procedure.