Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I Am Happy - Nick Vujicic's

This is SO convicting.  I grew up hearing my mother repeating the old Jewish Proverb: "I felt sorry for myself because I had no shoes -- until I met a man who had no feet."  My sister-in-law used to say, "Lord, How Can We Be Sad."  These are the sayings that come into my head as I watch this clip.  The day I am writing this blog I was struggling with "life" and then I stumbled across this clip.

Nick Vujicic has an incredible outlook on life and this is admirable when you watch the video and see all the things that he has had to deal with in life.  He is so full of living even though to look at his situation you could easily think he would think he would have no purpose, but this is SO far from the truth.

After watching this video you may want to read more about Nick.  I found this link that also has many photographs of him playing sports, studying, writing and the answers to some questions you may have.

God has given us a choice.  May we all CHOOSE to be happy!