Friday, April 23, 2010

Once Upon A Marriage

Most of know that divorce is a real problem in our country and that most of us have been effective by the trauma divorce can bring.  A friend of mine told me of this teaching that she had found on LifeChurchTV and it was such a great teaching on marriage and relationships that I had to share it.

I listened to the whole series and really enjoyed it and could laugh at things and cry at other things.  It was really easy to listen to and full of information to build a better relationship with your mate, your future mate or even come to terms with relationships that you find yourself in now.

If you have a need in your own marriage or you know a marriage that is in need of help, share these awesome teachings.  They are easy to download if you find them on iTunes and you can listen to them in audio or video formats.  You can also go straight to their web-site to watch them from your computer.  ENJOY and I pray your marriage is healed!

Once Upon A Marriage - Week 1  Adam and Eve
Once Upon A Marriage - Week 2  Ahab and Jezebel
Once Upon A Marriage - Week 3  Abraham and Sarah
Once Upon A Marriage - Week 4  Hosea and Gomer