Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lord, Save Us From Your Followers

I was randomly flicking channels one late evening and happened upon an interesting show.  I watched the remainder of the show and then had to order the video.  The show an informative discussion regarding a new documentary called, Lord, Save Us From Your Followers.

It was Don Merchant's desire to find out why the gospel of love had become so devisive.  He dons a bumper sticker suit and traveled around America trying to get people's read on this thing called Christianity.  He had some very interesting findings and some very interesting facts that he revealed.

I also found on-line his Bible Study Guide which included the notes from this movie.  In the least I would encourage you to read through the Bible Study Guide notes and hopefully you will take the time to find a copy of the movie to view it for yourself.  It was very thought provoking and full of grace.