Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Deliverer - Rich Mullins

This song, My Deliverer has been ministering to me for the last two days.  I searched the Internet to find the version that I heard in my head and this was the version I was looking for.  It is again by the late Rich Mullens and it is set to the photographs from the 9-11 tragedy.  It is quite moving in many respects.

Today we are seeing our country fall apart under this current presidential administration who is giving our heritage over to the Fascist's movement he was trained under and we are quickly becoming more socialistic than free and even our very nation is being wooed into the structure of a one world government.

The country of Greece is economically collapsing and is broke, Spain is quickly sinking as well.   They couldn't pay for all their socialist programs and yet we continue to march toward our own economic meltdown as our President is spending money we can't pay back now for generations.

North Korea sunk a South Korean ship recently and the world organizations said little against it as they don't want to upset the world's economies with accusing North Korea of evil.  Israel is on the verge of war as they are being condemned for their actions to protect their nation from illegal arms coming to their land via ships when a boarding inspection went awry.

We have an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico which has been spilling for at least a month and they say it could be two months before the problem is solved.  It is the greatest disaster to our nation in our history and our President is doing little except to say that his administration has been working on the problem from the beginning.  Can't help but wonder if this is another ploy to create and "emergency" to cause our people to give away MORE of our freedoms as dictated by the philosophy of the Fascist's teaching.

All that said, God keeps speaking over me songs and the song of this week is, My Deliverer.  THANK YOU God that you are alert and active and you never slumber and sleep.