Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Creation Calls - Brian Doerksen

INCREDIBLE photographs and footage of how incredibly awesome our God is as seen in His creation.   Brian Doerkesen in his song, Creation Calls is simply beautiful.  They lyrics are awesome and so true...How can people say there is NO God?  All they have to do is look at creation and the evidence is endless.

Here are the words as you listen along:

(Verse 1)
I have felt the wind blow,

Whispering your name
I have seen your tears fall,
When I watch the rain.

How could I say there is no God?
When all around creation calls!!
A singing bird, a mighty tree,
The vast expanse of open sea

(Musical interlude)

(Verse 2)
Gazing at a bird in flight,
Soaring through the air.
Lying down beneath the stars,
I feel your presence there.

(Verse 3)
I love to stand at ocean shore
And feel the thundering breakers roar,
To walk through golden fields of grain
With endless bloom horizons fray.

(Verse 4)
Listening to a river run,
Watering the Earth.
Fragrance of a rose in bloom,
A newborns cry at birth.


(Verse 3 again)
I love to stand at ocean shore
And feel the thundering breakers roar,
To walk through golden fields of grain
With endless bloom horizons fray

I believe
I believe
I believe


I believe
I believe
I believe just like a child

(Choir I believe..)

I believe

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Oh How He Loves Us - Kim Walker

So I was sharing this song with a friend, AGAIN.  I seem to share this song with MANY people as they are in need of the ministry from the Lord.  Such a powerful song and SO annointed.  Do you know how jealous He is for you?  Do you know how much He loves you?  Do you need a reminder?  I just LOVE this song.  You can't stay sad as you focus on how beautiful He is and how great His affections are for you!

Oh How He Loves Us by Kim Walker...sit back and get filled.  SUCH a great song.  ENJOY!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Forgotten Virtures - Life Church TV

Again another incredible teaching on LifeChurch TV entitled Forgotten Virtures.  This is a five part series.

The Forgotten Virtues:
Teaching #1 - Honor
Teaching #2 - Purity
Teaching #3 - Loyalty
Teaching #4 - Integrity
Teaching #5 - Gratitude

Each of these teaching are basic reminders that all of us need to hear again.  I encourage you to share these links with any teen-agers or twenty-somethings that you know.  Again, INCREDIBLE teaching!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I Am Second - Nate Larkin

WOW! That is about all I can say regarding this video clip.  If you haven't heard of I Am Second it is a web-site filled with people you know and people you don't know who share their testimony and realize that they are too, second to Christ.  POWERFUL clips...I haven't seen one yet that hasn't moved me.

This one is entitled I Am Second Nate Larkin.   Who is Nate Larkin?  Well he was a pastor who was introduced to pornography on a seminary sponsored trip to New York City with his wife.  They were taken on a tour of Time Square so that they could see first hand how the women are exploited by the sex business.  He was shocked and disgusted by what he saw but strangely he was also fascinated and hooked.

He shares how he not only like porn but became obsessed with it.  It took him to places he never intended to go.  He eventually was led to his first of many prostitutes on his way to a Candlelight Christmas Eve Service that he was officiating.  He never got "caught" but he was terrified of loosing his reputations.  He left the ministry after about five years.  Those years were dark as he continually cried out to God for help.  He concluded by his unanswered prayers that either God didn't care or God didn't exist.

One of the most fascinating parts of his testimony was where he shared how pornography offered this artificial intimacy with no risks.  He explained how he believes we are all made for intimacy but intimacy carries it's risks.  People can reject us or dissappear or they can die.  With porn he never had to worry about that.  There were no risks invovled he concluded.

 "So everyday I said hello to the women who wouldn't laugh at me or who found me attractive, engaging.  Everyday I gave a piece of myself away.  It left me emptier and hungrier ever time and yet I kept coming back."

The link goes into how he found freedom.  He has now written a book entitled Samson and the Pirate Monks and he is now lives in Franklin, TN with his wife.  He has established a Nationwide organization called "The Samson Society" that is dedicated toward men being real and helping each other in a Christan Manner.

I post this because so many in the world today...even in the church today are living a life as Nate was, trapped in their sin and living a secret.  There is freedom and that freedom comes from a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

I pray for all the men and women out there that are bound by or effected with this hideous addiction.  I pray that you too will be able to accept the warmth and acceptance of Jesus' love as Nate did.  All of us are broken.  All of us are second.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

the Lord's Prayer

Here is a the sweetest little girl sharing her bedtime prayers as she says the Lord's Prayer.

Friday, July 16, 2010

To Be Like Christ - Joni Eareckson Tada

So a friend had this poem posted to their wall on facebook and I did some research about it as they had it listed as unknown.

Well it was actually penned by Joni Eareckson Tada and was quoted in her book A Step Further. 

The discussion in her book leading up to the poem was on the topic regarding our attitudes during trials.  "In short, am I going to be like Christ?"

So when suffering comes, and it does come, the choice is yours.  Read her poem on the matter.

When God wants to drill a man,
And thrill a man, and skill a man,
To play the noblest part;
When He yearns with all His heart
To create so great and bold a man
That all the world shall be amazed,
Then watch His methods, watch His ways!
How He ruthlessly perfects,
Whom He royally elects;
How He hammers him and hurts him,
And with mighty blows converts him
Into shapes and forms of clay
which only God can understand
While man's tortured heart is crying
And he lifts beseeching hands...
yet God bonds but never breaks
when man's good He undertakes;
How He uses whom He chooses,
And with might power, infuses him,
with every act induces him to try
His splendor out,
God knows what He's about!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Jesus Died - I'll Be Honest

I am on the notification list from GodTube whereas they send me information and links to the newest downloads and videos. I have found them to be across the denomination lines on information that they send out but then again, I am not usually hung up by "denomination" issues. GodTube is not about a certain doctrine or denomination, they are about anything that is about Jehovah God. You know, "I AM that I AM".

So this link, Jesus Died from Paul Washer of I'll Be Honest is really powerful and a bit intense but all-in-all, I try to listen to all teachings and "eat the fish and spit out the bones", if you know what I mean.  Not everything someone says is, well, correct.  We are not God.  We are sharing our experience of God based in our human ways.  People who get all hung up over technicalities to me are missing the 'forest for the trees'.  Now, mind you, there are SOME hills worth dying on, Dr. Dobson would say, but those are really just a few things that are heaven and hell issues.

With that, I did some reading and found that the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has ousted Paul Washer and calls him a heretic because he teaches, what they call, "Lordship Salvation".  I had never heard of the term "Lordship Salvation" and certainly was unaware that there was a controversy over it in the SBC for over 10 years now.

In the opening line of an explanation of why Lordship Salvation is a lie they say that the "false doctrine that a sinner must be willing to stop living a sinful lifestyle or give up the sinful world to be saved".  Really - this is controversial?  I don't get it.  If you are saved wouldn't you want to give up the sinful lifestyle?  Shouldn't there be fruit of a life that is changed?

Sometimes I feel like people hone in on the wrong things.  From what I get from Paul's message is he is saying "quit playing church".  Preach the Gospel.  Live for Christ.

People in the church for years have "abused" grace.  They habitually and intentionally sin and they use the scripture to justify this action as "it is covered by the blood".  I don't have an issue with Paul's message.  It seems to me he is teaching righteousness and holiness.  This seems to be a message that needs to be preached.  He clearly says in this teaching that YOUR salvation is between YOU and GOD and not in what MAN says.  I don't think you can get any plainer than that.  Quit playing games, church.  Jesus is coming!

Another link worth noting is The Lost Doctrine of Regeneration by Paul Washer.  A word to understand is how we "misuse" the word, "CHURCH".  What Jesus calls the "church" is also what He calls His Bride.  What we call the "church" is a place we go to on Sunday's.  It's a definition matter that needs to be looked at.  We are called to be "His Bride"!  Come Lord Jesus!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hosanna by Hillsong

Most of you have heard this song, but it was on my heart yesterday as I led worship for a night of prayer during our week of prayer and fasting.  We prayed for revival and for the city and I love the opening lines of this song...I see the King of Glory, coming down with clouds of fire.  The whole earth shakes.  The whole earth shakes.

I believe that day is coming soon when, the whole earth will shake in the presence of the King!  On that day, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess, Jesus is Lord.  We will join in the chorus of Hosanna.  What a glorious day that will be!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

God of this City - Chris Tomlin

My son told me about Chris Tomlin's song, God of this City last summer but I really didn't take the time to listen to it.  Well, this week, I was re-introduced to it and I pray you take a minute to pray this fabulous song over your city, our nation and God's people.  Blessings!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Set Straight - Adam Hood

Adam Hood gives his personal testimony of being saved and delivered from the homosexual lifestyle in this 5 minutes clip.

I posted this as I feel so many in society want to validate who they "are" and Adam shares where he came from and how he discovered the love of Jesus and the freedom that came to his life through Christ.  His testimony is powerful and indeed, the love of Jesus is never failing!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Romance - Rick Pino

I heard this song for the first time back in 2006 or 2007 and it just gripped my heart.  I loved it then and I still love it today.  Rick Pino sang My Romance when I heard it for the first time and I found him singing it here.  I appreciate Rick's heart for worship.  He was so not your typical musician.  His heart was kind and gentle and not a bit of arrogance was on him when I met him.  Refreshing to see a worshiper who is satisfied in worshipping and not celebrity.

I just feel like dancing in the Presence of the King when I hear this song.  I pray you stand up and enter into a dance with your saviour and master, King Jesus!

Friday, July 9, 2010

We Will Worship the Lamb of Glory

I was reminded of this song last week by the Lord.  I searched the Internet for a version that I like of We Will Worship the Lamb of Glory and this was the best one I could find.  There are a few versions out there but the quality is just not the greatest.  The quality of this one is good but it is sung a bit slower than I prefer it to be sung.  So, I opted for better quality and slower than the speed I liked sounding a bit rough.

So, enter into the presence of the King as you listen to this worship song.  He is SO worthy of praise and honor and glory.  Will you worship Him?  If not today, there will be a day when EVERY knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord!  Lord, we CHOOSE to worship YOU!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The More I Seek You - Kari Jobe

I am going to be leading worship for a night of prayer and fasting this coming week and in my searching the Lord for the right song to bring to His alter, I came across this one sung by Kari Jobe.  The first time I heard this song The More I Seek You it was sung by Rick Pino.

His presentation was so intimate and touching but I was unable to find it.  Kari's version is by no means second place but I wanted to share the song and this is what I found.  I pray you are blessed as you begin to seek Him more and more as the hour is near and the time is short.  Seek Him while He still may be found!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Mighty to Save

New day and a new song today.  I was ministering to someone today and the Lord brought this song to my remembrance to encourage them.  When life is throwing things at us that make us impatient and unsettled, this song is a great ministry to us...EVERYONE needs compassion!  I know I could use a dose of this too!

I pray your day is blessed and that you are full of the Love of God and able to minister out of that overflow to all those that you meet.  I pray you have compassion on those around YOU today because God is Mighty to Save.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Different Perspective

A friend (thanks MJ) for forwarding me this link, I Know What's Causing That.  Didn't take me long into the reading of it before I understood WHY she brought it to my attention.

I can relate to the questions and the judgements that come from having a larger than "normal" family.  I can relate but I,  like this writer am SO blessed by "arrows" and the joys they bring.  It is true that everyday life brings new challenges but then again, everyones life has challenges.  My life has to be lived from the prospective of eternity.  The day-to-day life can be a grind but when I fix my eyes on the "forever" factor and the destiny of my children and my children's children, the reward will be great.  My mother used to quote, "No one on their deathbed ever says they wish they had spent more time at the office."  (BTW - my mother was a mother to eight!)

I am a bit ahead on the road of life compared to the writer of the link regarding these "blessings" as my children are a bit older but the perspective HAS to be the same.  I could drown, just like Peter (Matthew 14:22-33, Mark 6:45-52 and John 6:16-21) and at times I feel the water washing OVER my feet when I look at the storm (the day-to-day) instead of the Master's face (eternity).  We are commanded to "fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith!" (Hebrews 12:2).  Life can and is overwhelming but whether you have one or six children doesn't change the factor that life is full of issues beyond ourselves.  We have to deal with "us" and "our" flesh, "our" desires, "our" wants.  Having more children has helped me to DEAL with me and my selfishness.  God knew what was best for me and I am so thankful for EACH of my blessings.  I look forward to ALL that is to come as they launch out into life with families of their own.

The scripture is clear that there is a link between the generations.  In Proverbs 17:6 (CEV) Grandparents are proud of their grandchildren, and children should be proud of their parents. My purpose is not enough to raise Godly children.  My legacy will be if I train my children to train THEIR children to be Godly.  There is the reward!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Perfection of Seven

Throughout the Bible we are reminded of God's perfection and one way we see this is represented in the number seven.  Seven is a number that has significance and it represents "completion" or "perfection" throughout the Word.

Let's look at the word seven in Hebrew. Seven is (shevah). It is from the root (savah), to be full or satisfied, have enough of.  Hence the meaning of the word "seven" is dominated by this root, for on the seventh day God rested from the work of Creation. It was full and COMPLETE, and GOOD and PERFECT. Nothing could be added to it or taken from it without marring it. Hence the word (Shavath), to cease, desist, rest, and Shabbath, Sabbath, or day of rest. This root runs through various languages; e.g., Sanscrit = saptan; Zend = hapta; Greek = epta (hepta); Latin = septem. All these preserve the "t," which in the Semitic.  In the Teutonic languages the "t" is dropped out; e.g. Gothic = sibun; German = sieben; English = seven.

  • In the Old Testament seven occurs 287 times (7x41).
  • Old and New Testament - 735 (7x105)
  • Seven is used 54 times in the book of Revelation.
  • the Word seventy occurs 56 times (7x8).
  • Seventy in combination with other numbers appears 35 times (7x5).
  • Sevenfold is mentioned 70 times (7x10).
  • Seventh is found 98 times (7x14).
  1. God created the earth in six days and on the seventh day he rested. (The Millennial Rest day.)
  2. He appointed seven days to the week and still today, most advanced nations reckon time in that way.
  3. God blessed the seventh day and made it holy!  In Leviticus 23:15-16, the number seven and the Sabbath, (which is the seventh day) is connected with the word COMPLETE. The word complete follows after the words "seven sabbath" (seventh day).  The day following the seventh sabbath there was something new that took place.
  4. the word CREATED is used seven times in connection with God's creative work in Genesis...Gen. 1:1, Gen 1:21, Gen 1:27 (three times); Gen 2:3 and Gen 2:4.
  5. The seventh time Noah's name occurs in the Bible it says, "Noah was a just man, and PERFECT in his generations." (Genesis 6:9).  Noah took every clean beast into the ark by sevens (Gen 7:2) and every bird by sevens and seven days later it rained. (Gen 7:10)  Peter tells about the long-suffering of God waiting in the days of Noah (I Peter 3:20).  Those seven days of waiting for rain in Noah's day COMPLETED God's time of waiting.
  6. Jacob served seven years for Leah and seven years for Rachel.
  7. Egypt had seven years of plenty and seven years of famine.
  8. Before Aaron and his sons entered their priestly work they were consecrated seven days.  (Leviticus 8:31-36).  Here is a picture of a life COMPLETELY or wholly consecrated or dedicated to the Lord for service.
  9. On the Day of Atonement the high priest sprinkled the blood upon the mercy seat seven times. (Leviticus 16:14).  This is a picture of the COMPLETENESS of the redemptive work of Christ.  "By His own blood He entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us." Hebrews 9:12.
  10. They marched around Jericho seven times for seven days and on the seventh day they marched seven times...they COMPLETED their marching and the walls came down. (Joshua 6:1-16).
  11. There were seven Feast days of our Lord (Passover, Unleavened, First-fruits, Pentecost, Atonement, Trumpets and Tabernacle - Leviticus 23:1-44).
  12. Seven branches on one candlestick in the Holy place in the Tabernacle, COMPLETE light of God.
  13. Solomon was seven years building the Temple and kept the Feasts for seven days.  His friends waited seven days and seven nights in silence.  They offered seven Burnt Offerings of seven bullocks and seven rams.
  14. Naaman washed seven times in the Jordan. (II Kings 5:1-19).
  15. The captivity in Babylon was for seventy years (ten groups of seven) Jeremiah 25:11-12 and Daniel 19:2.
  16. In Daniel 2: 31-33, Nebuchadnezzar had a dream.  Nebuchadnezzar called together seven kinds of officials to the dedication of the image.  Three Hebrew men refused to bow down and were thrown into the fiery furnace that was heated seven times hotter than it had ever been before.  COMPLETE deliverance was provided from the power of death for them.  When they came out of the fire, there was not hint of smoke.  When Christ brings us out of death there is not trace of death on us either! COMPLETE deliverance from the power of death.