Friday, August 27, 2010

Glenn Beck Again

A few days ago, I posted a blog called By Their Fruits written by David Barton.  When I posted this I thought maybe there was more to the story and today, I received this link from Brannon S. Howse regarding Glenn Beck's Divine Destiny.

Apparently we now have another discussion of Christians drawing lines in the sand and more scriptures are being shared from one side to the other.  The interesting thing about this link from Brannon is that David is listed as one of speakers on the Worldview Training Tour.

I personally know David and I know his faith is solid.  He is a man of God who hears the voice of the Lord and I trust he is doing as the Lord is leading him.  We, as Christians, need to be quicker to wait on the Lord than to jump to conclusions regarding what "we" think.  David is being as by Glenn Beck to share his expertise on the founding of our country and the founding fathers.  People need to not take things overboard and blow things out of proportion.  I can pray regardless of who is around me.  I have listened to Glenn Beck as well and I personally haven't been "alerted" to anything that is suspicious to me.  He is open about his beliefs and this is America so he has that right.  He is a Mormon and he loves his country. 

For the record, here is a link about Mormons and their beliefs.