Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Live Donor Transplant in CO.

This is an incredible story of love; the love of one brother for another. Ryan (34) and Chad (38) have an incredible bond with an inspiring story.

Ryan wanted to give the gift of life to his dying brother Chad.  Chad was in desperate need of a liver transplant and had little options to save his life.  Ryan was a perfect match for his brother and was part of a new and rare medical treatment in which a living donor gives 60 percent of his liver to the recipient.  As you may suspect this is quite the technical and dangerous procedure with most the risk lying on the shoulders of the healthy donor.

Rather than re-writing all the stories associated with this incredible journey, I will just give you the links.

Donor of Live Liver Transplant - Denver Co.
Live Organ Donation - Risky and Lifesaving
Ryan Arnold Live Liver Transplant - Huffington Post
Chad Arnold Honor's Brother
Truly an incredible story.  I pray you are blessed as you see the love this brother had for a brother!  Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.  John 15:13&14