Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Adorable 2 Year Old Singing

This link is about a two-year-old who is singing with his family the song, God Will Take Care of You.  It is not some masterpiece of musical perfection but it is incredible that this two-year-old can clearly be heard (toward the end of the clip) leading the song and singing out strong.

After I listened to it I felt the Lord ministering to me in a further way as the words of this song kept going over and over in my head.  Even a child knows this.  He has committed it to memory and is reciting his faith prophetically to himself, his family and now the world.  The words, GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU.  Think about it.  Meditate on it.  Rehearse it.  Memorize it.  Chew on it and then start over and do it again until you believe it.  See, God WILL take care of you (and me).  He is faithful that way, you know?

You don't? You don't feel as though he will provide for you? Do you feel as though He has let you down?  Has He forgotten you; or at least you think that He has?

Well, let's see, just because your mother served you burnt biscuits once in the kitchen doesn't mean you don't go back into the kitchen, does it?  Of course you go back into the kitchen and then you also go back and eat from her table.   See, just because there was an incident that left a bad taste in your mouth doesn't mean you will never eat at your mother's table again, right?  Sometimes people or circumstance can leave a bad taste in our mouth too but that doesn't mean much in itself, does it?  Life can sometimes leave these "tastes" in our mouth and we need to choose to come back to God's table so we can enjoy the blessings He has for us in life; to enjoy ALL His goodness.  God didn't burn the biscuits in our life - He is for us...but none-the-less the biscuits sure were burned.  (Taken from the teaching by Pastor Dino Rizzo entitled, Don't Do Life Alone.)

Come back to the table, beloved.  Come to where the Lord is serving up goodness, mercy, love, provision, health, kindness and on and on.  See, God WILL Take Care of You!