Friday, February 18, 2011

Marriage Restored

I ran across this great clip, A Story - From the Ashes.  It is about a couple who were able to put their marriage back together again after divorce.  This was NOT something they did on their own, though.  They did it through a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  When Christ became the center of their reason to live, their lives changed and with that, their thinking and purposes in living changed.

It doesn't matter where you are in your marriage, GOD CAN RESTORE YOU and YOUR MARRIAGE - IF YOU ALLOW HIM TOO!  I say this because I have personally seen when people have intervened to cause the healing of a marriage and I have seen the opposite, when people intervene to finalize a divorce.  People think they are helping but ONLY GOD can heal a heart and a marriage and He is SO willing to do so, if we, the people, just let Him in.