Thursday, February 17, 2011

What Can I Do? - Paul Baloche

This song is SO amazing!  Spring is in the air here in Texas and my heart is full. Full of joy, peace, life, expectation - HOPE!  Why?  Well, certainly not because of the news that we hear on TV.  Certainly not because of the wars and rumors of wars or the uprisings around the world yet my heart gets filled as I hear and sing this song, What Can I Do?

What can I do but thank Him for all He has done for me! What has he done, well first and foremost He has saved me!  If that were not enough then look around and watch a sunrise or sunset.  Who can color the sky with such artistry?  Who can use the color pallet like He does and then stretch it across the horizon?  Look deep into the night sky and see the distant galaxies...He is there - beyond all we know and certainly beyond all that we understand.  He is AMAZING!

I pray you enjoy this song as much as I do.  It should lift you up if you are down - if we don't praise Him the ROCKS will the scripture say.  Praise Him my friend!  Praise Him.  This song will teach you how!  PRAISE HIM while it is still today!

What can I do?  I can give my life to YOU, Lord Jesus!  I GIVE you my life!