Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Surrender All - Michael W. Smith

This past Saturday, my dearest friends realized a dream that God spoke into their hearts about 25 years ago; they sold off their possessions and moved to Nicaragua to become missionaries.

One week, back in the early days of this dream I watched their two children for a week while they followed the prompting of the Holy Spirit to serve a missionary in country and seek the Lord for direction.  Well, they came home knowing they were going, and they began seeking God on the timing.  The timing was this past Saturday.

They have sense raised those two children, launched them into their adult lives, finished up their home business, gotten their direction on finishing educations to be equipped for service down there, sold off their dream home (that they built), sold their boat, cars, motorcycles and packed up what they needed to move to their next destination - Managua, Nicaragua.

A relative posted this song to their Facebook wall and I had to share it.  This is Michael W. Smith and Coalo Zamorano singing I Surrender all - A New Hallelujah at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. I loved it and hope you do too!