Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Penn Jillette and the Gift...

For those of you who don't know who Penn Jillette is let me give you some background.  He is an American magician, comedian, illusionist, juggler, musician and writer know for his work with fellow illusionist Teller in the team Penn & Teller.  He has a show at the Rio in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Penn is also a know for his advocacy of atheism, libertarian philosophy, free-market economics and scientific skepticism.

Apparently, Penn takes a few minutes after his shows to create a "clip" regarding his opinions and comments regarding pretty much anything he wants to talk about.  This clip, Penn Jillette gets a gift of a Bible is one of those talks that was posted in August of 2009.

As you may notice from the video, he is not a small-framed man...he stands about 6'6.5" and you will also see from the video that he has a soft-spoken side to him with a gentle demeanor.  I have to admit that I have never seen his show or his illusions anywhere for that matter but there was something about him that drew me toward him.  I have been praying for him since seeing this clip and I wouldn't mind meeting him someday.

I have also included a follow-up video that he made, Penn Says: Have I Converted? released two months after the first video to answer the questions that many were posting about his "conversion" to Christianity.

The reason I found this whole dialog fascinating goes back to one quote of Penn's, "How much do you have to hate somebody to not proselytize (convert to another faith or religion)?  How much do you have to hate somebody to believe that everlasting life is possible and not tell them that?"  He goes on from there with an incredible analogy.  Excellent point he makes in his argument; thanks Penn.  He has given me added courage to stand up more because he is right, I don't hate God's children and I care because He has taught me to love as He loves!  Good testimony.  I pray you choose to love too!  Not every atheist will be as gracious as Penn was but how much do you have to hate to not tell them?