Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Doug Addison - Elijah List

So I received this email today from the Elijah List and it contained a prophesy that just lit up my spirit.  I say this because many of the points he makes in this "word" is exactly what the Lord has been speaking to me although haven't summed it up so nicely and concisely as he has!  Incredible word as I believe we are entering into some incredible days!  These are NOT days to shrink back, people!  God is FOR US!  He needs Christians to rise up not hunker down!  We are on the winning team.  Do you realize this?  So many of us are in fear of the economy, fear of the government, fear of ...., well, you name it!  Who is the prince of fear?  Satan.  Who is the Prince of Peace?  Jesus.  Take a minute and read this...I pray you will have ears to hear and eyes to see what is going on in the heavenly realm.  These are the days the prophets have longed for!  Hosanna, come Lord Jesus!  Here is the prophetic word:

Doug Addison:
June 8-12 is a Strategic Time
Last December God spoke to me that 2011 will be strategic and we will begin moving into more clarity about our destinies as God is shifting our assignments. New life will come in June and by September 2011 things we have longed for will begin to take shape. This was included in my Prophetic Insight for 2011 and as you will read below it is now being fulfilled.

We are heading into a strategic time as God is sending out invitations to go deeper and experience more of Him. This will require that we streamline our lives and be flexible. What we do this year will set the pace for the next several years.

The enemy has been attacking us in the area of "spiritual identity theft." Many have gotten off-track from their specific uniqueness' as individuals, ministries, churches, and businesses. We will need to go beyond the things that we are good at doing and focus on what we do the best. We are being released from our old assignments from God and we need to take steps towards our new assignments.

June 8-12 is a Strategic Time

This year Passover to Pentecost takes place from April 25-June 8. It is an amazing time of Heavenly interaction and activity. The Jewish Feast of Pentecost ends June 8 and the Christian celebration is June 12. God spoke to me about significant "positive" events that will take place during this time. Watch for new things to begin happening June 8-12.

What will happen during the dates June 8-12 is similar to Isaiah 6:8-10:

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" He said, "Go and tell this people: "‘Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving.' Make the heart of this people calloused; make their ears dull and close their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed."

New Assignments Now Available

This is where Isaiah encountered God and received his new assignment. It was also a time in which some people thought they were hearing God but they were not hearing clearly or understanding Him. God is opening the spiritual ears and eyes of those who are looking to Him for their destiny.

God is asking many people to go on assignments that He would not normally have to ask them to accept. There has been an excessive amount of people who have fallen into complacency and therefore their callings and destinies are available to people who will say yes. New assignments along with the anointing and financial provision needed for those assignments are now available to people who will say yes to God.

ATM Cards from Heaven

I saw "spiritual ATM cards" being issued to people for "Angelic Teller Machines". God is assigning angels that will make finances and favor available from June 8 through September 30 (Pentecost – Rosh Hashanah). This is a specific time that people are going to reap what they have previously sown. In other words, we are in a time right now that we are receiving from God because of things that we have done and given to over the past nine years (2001-2011).

The amount of grace and blessing being received right now will not seem to make sense to some because it is coming as back-payment for previous losses.

Plan Now for the Future Assignments

Don't assume the amount of blessing you are receiving from June to September will continue at the same high velocity. So don't just think you can camp in the flow of blessing, you will still need to be wise and position yourself to get the new promotions coming after September. Begin planning now by watching for new opportunities.

New Grace Over Hollywood

I also heard a prophetic word that God has extended seven years of new grace and mercy over Hollywood and the entertainment industry as new media projects will arise. We will begin to see a rise of positive movies and music but simultaneously the enemy will try to combat this with an increase in demonic and witchcraft themes that will try to stop what God is doing.

Floodgates Opening

I keep having dreams that the floodgates of water have been opened and that the level of the supernatural is rising. I keep seeing reservoirs that are almost full and beginning to spill over. We are seeing news of areas in the U.S. where floodgates are being opened because of the large amount of rain and snow-melt. This is symbolic of the new levels of blessing, strategies and assignments that are being released from Heaven and the paradigm for new types of ministries, businesses and media projects that are beginning to unfold.

It is time to be willing to take risks and move forward with more confidence in the things that God is directing you to do. "Here I am Lord, send me!"

Doug Addison
InLight Connection


Doug Addison is a prominent international conference speaker, author and has been a featured guest on television and radio for a number of years. His events are fun and high-energy as he uses media and stand-up comedy as a means of communicating deep insights. He is an experienced prophetic dream interpreter and a professional stand-up comedian.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Street Evangelist - Todd White

So this past week-end we were led to go outside of the box of our routine and in doing so we happened into a service where this evangelist - Todd White was the guest speaker bringing the Word that day.  Little did we know that the Lord had totally and strategically directed our steps to hear this message.

Over the past year God has been stirring me, prodding me, challenging me to deeper and sometimes difficult things. He has been pushing me to confront my traditions.  To deal with my "routines".  To press into Him for clarity and understanding regarding the issues that I am seeking in my soul.  Well, by the first of the year, my husband too was noticing the "shift" and was "feeling" it too but being a totally different personality than mine, he received and dealt with this information in his way.

Well, over the past month, we have totally seen God pealing off things from our life as we totally seek Him in the now and for our future.  We have finally placed our home up for sale and are ready to make the next step into what God has for us.  Nine months ago we felt we had found the place that we were to "go" but we had so many things to "do" before we could make that step.  One by one God has been prompting, stripping, confronting, dealing and pursuing us to get in the river of what He is leading us to do next.

All that said, when we heard this message we were SO on page with it that my husband wanted to stay and hear Todd speak again (he was teaching 2 sessions back-to-back). After about 4 hours listening, God just began to confront me.  He was SO up in my grill convicting me of things I knew but had become timid in.  I haven't been full of the fire that I should have been.  There were SEVERAL quotes from Todd that "spoke" to me but this was one of them that SO challenged me, "Unbelieving believer's believe enough to get to heaven but not enough for heaven to get into them.  So what we need to be is believing believers and walk this thing.  Jesus paid a price for us not for us to just go to heaven but for heaven to get into us, so that we could represent heaven on earth."

I pray you are as blessed as I was by listening to this message.  I will warn you, it WILL divide your traditions.  You will be so into this teaching or so out of it.  He is teaching straight from the Word and it is straight forward and compelling.  What are we doing for Christ's sake?  Jesus said, "...and these signs will follow them that believe..." and he goes on to identify the "signs" of believers.  Really?  Are we really believers?  This is the answers I have been seeking!  I have become a product of this thing called Christianity.  I have become the institution and not the vessel.  Lord, have mercy on me!  I KNOW these things that Todd was teaching.  They are my "beliefs" and have been for years, yet I have not been walking in the authority that God has given me!  The kicker for me has been my man-pleasing spirit.  I have been looking for approval by being "included" in the programs that man has set up.  Again, Todd hit the nail right on the head when he states that he is accepted in Christ.  He drove the point.  I know this and you probably do too.  We have been accepted because He was rejected but after listening to Todd share HIS revelation on this, something shifted in me.  I have been accepted and man CANNOT reject me because I have been accepted!  WOW!  Did you get it?  We cannot be rejected if we are accepted.  NOTHING man can do can separate me from the love of God.  I got it!  It became SO alive to me and with that, the FIRE of God has fallen upon me again!

Enjoy the message!  Be prepared to be stretched!

Walking in Righteousness (part 1) - Todd White
Walking in Righteousness (part 2) - Todd White

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Connecting with the Right People - Joel Osteen

I know, I know - you probably have already made a judgement about this message because I told you up front who the speaker was.  Well, loose that judgement because people are speaking against him without really knowing the whole picture.  I was able to meet him back in December and the time I was able to observe him I had a totally clear image of who Joel Osteen is.  He is a genuine person who really is as happy and real as you see on television.  He is not forced or phony but REAL!  His wife was totally real too.  It is wrong how people have judged them by what they think or others think.  I truly enjoyed meeting them and they were gracious and a blessing.

With that, I pray you take a minute to listen to this will change your life!  Connecting with the Right People is such a powerful message!  I again was personally challenged and set free from this message.  There are things in our life that we can't change and there are things in our life we can.  Sometimes we just get so comfortable we don't realize that we are stuck and we need to change something!  There is a difference between those who are for you and those that are just with you.  Did you hear that?  There may be people in your life that you think are for you but they are just WITH you.  There is a huge difference between these two places of reality.

This is such a timely message because many of us are too comfortable in our current situation because we are afraid to change, or we don't want to hurt someone, offend someone, let someone down..yada yada.  The Lord is clearly pressing in my Spirit that this year is forcing me to listen carefully to the Lord, not man!  In Revelation it is written over and over that we have to have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.  I know so many people that have gotten comfortable with someone else giving them their spiritual food.  Growing up in the Catholic church this was a state of being for many that I knew.  We came to "church" out of duty or because we were told we had to.  We were taught what a man thought was true and yes there was scripture sprinkled into the message to make it official.

God is a CREATIVE God.  He is so limitless and I believe many people are not fulfilling their destiny's because they are feeding the machine of what others are doing and forsaking the gifts inside them.  We have to be about what God is telling us to do and I know He is speaking to me.  Incredible message!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hold Me - Jamie Grace (& Toby Mac)

This is such a perky song by Jamie Grace with Toby Mac called, Hold Me and it should put a smile on your face because HE loves you!!!!  Sometimes we just need to stop and let Him hold us.

With all the craziness in this world, this is such a great song to put it all back into perspective.  Take a minute, kick back and relax while you enjoy this tune.  Bet you will be tapping those toes quick enough too.

Here is also another link of the same song but just another cute take on a great song.  LOVE IT!  Hold Me featuring tobyMac (Official Music Video)