Sunday, November 4, 2012

Christians WAKE UP!

I know this is a controversial post to make but I feel as though we as Christians are ducking TOUGH issues. There is a deception that has crept into the church all in the name of being "seeker friendly", "tolerant", "loving" and "keeping the 'givers' happy". I am totally about loving but to turn a blind eye to things because we "don't want to offend" is incorrect. Jesus was CONSTANTLY offending people; the religious higher-ups never took too kindly to what He was about or saying yet He continued on with the mission of establishing the Kingdom.

With that, we NEED to be praying for mercy from the Lord as our nation has slipped from righteousness, honor, favor, and basically and bluntly...GOD! Can't help but recall all the times God "had enough" with his beloved Israel and let them face the consequences of their drifting, rebellious and hardened hearts.

I pray that God's hand of protection will not be removed from America on my watch. Father
FORGIVE US! MERCY FATHER, MERCY! Teach us how to love AND confront the darkness that blatantly, boldly and crassly keeps pressing further and further in. As Israel has had to deal with (and as articulated via Benjamin Netanyahu), there is a RED LINE and many Christians are slipping over the edge into tolerance under the name of "love"; they are becoming lukewarm. Father God, wake us up! Send your REVIVAL Fire! Maranatha!

With that, here is what Mike Huckabee (a Baptist Minister) shared on his wall today. Mind you, this is GRAPHIC and I am sure, some will have a problem with it but God is not allowing me to be silent about HARD things that even many Christians find "politically incorrect".


"Viewer discretion is advised with this video. I am sharing it because I want you to know what's at stake on Tuesday." - Mike Huckabee