Saturday, November 3, 2012

Ken Blount - Minister

Saw this on facebook and just had to share it with you.  I will only add this first paragraph to his writing.  It is a post from Ken Blount.  (He played Nicodemus on the Gospel Bill Show in the 1980's and '90's of then Willie George Ministries.  He was and is a minister as well.)  My kids LOVED him and this show and are forever changed because of their ministry.  Good stuff from a whole new perspective.  ENJOY!

"Before you vote, please read my daughter-in-law Sarah's blog that i am reposting...

1 Samuel 15:3 Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them. But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.

Thus says the Lord of hosts! That is pretty intense stuff. The Lord wanted Saul and his armies to utterly destroy the Amalekites. Even the nursing babies. I read that this morning and I had to find out what on earth these people had done to deserve this.

Deuteronomy 25:17-19 fills us in. 17 Remember what the Amalekites did to you on your way out of Egypt. 18 You were tired and worn out. They met you on your journey. They attacked everyone who was lagging behind. They didn’t have any respect for God. 19 The Lord your God will give you peace and rest from all of the enemies who are around you. He’ll do it in the land he’s giving you to take over as your very own. Then you will wipe out the memory of the Amalekites from the earth. Don’t forget to do it!

When the Israelites were leaving Egypt the Amalekites attacked them. For no apparent reason. And they did it like cowards. They attacked the people in the back, the people who were weary and weakened. I’m sure this group of people consisted of the elderly, small children, nursing mothers and their infants. This infuriated God. He wanted them wiped out. He was not going to let them get away with killing innocent, defenseless people.

Precious, innocent, defenseless people being murdered… sounds a lot like abortion to me. God was not okay with the Amalekites attacking those Israelites. And He’s not okay with abortion. God takes this killing innocent people stuff very seriously.

I am not a political person. I don’t watch debates, not sure who the vice president is, don’t know anything about either of the candidates, don’t care what the health care options are, but I do know that one party is for abortion and one party isn’t. When I go to vote this week I am going to vote for the party who is against killing innocent babies, because God is against killing innocent babies. I don’t want their blood on my hands in any way. I don’t want to be grouped in with people like the Amalekites. It was 400 years after the Amalekites had attacked the innocent Israelites when God ordered Saul to utterly destroy them. Their sin and lack of respect for God affected the generations that came after them, much like abortion affects future generations.

Now more than ever the thought of abortion hurts my heart. These little babies are not just statistics, they are real people that God had a plan for. My son Felix was born still and weighed only 12 ounces. But at 17 weeks God had already formed his tiny hands, tiny feet, tiny ears, tiny nose, tiny heart, and his big spirit. I have his tiny footprints to prove it. Felix mattered and so do all of the other unborn children in the world. Vote for them!"

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