Sunday, November 18, 2012


There is HOPE in the Lord! This is what God tells us.  We are to put our HOPE in the Lord! We are called to higher things; higher ways but we can't get there if we are downtrodden and heavy-laden.  God doesn't call us without equipping us.  Therefore this is a season for HOPE!  God is pouring out Hope; hope for a lost and dying world.
We are to be the ambassadors and prophets of HOPE in this season! WE ARE! Did you hear me? WE are the agents God has put into this place to be His hands, His feet, His HOPE to the lost and dying world.  We are to be pouring out onto others as God is pouring into us.  This requires us to be full of hope!
Wow - this is convicting because we can't GIVE what we don't have. Did you get that? We CAN'T give what we don't have. We NEED hope and upon receiving hope, we are then to go out and give it away! There is darkness ALL around us, but people - we have the HOPE that abounds planted into our very fibers when we were born again. We SHOULD look different to the world. We should ACT different than the world. We should HAVE HOPE and then pour it out for all to see.

We have the HOPE of Glory IN US! The world is looking for HOPE. They are looking at you!  Show them HOPE!  God's Hope never fails, never runs out, never gives up.  He is Hope to the hopeless.  He is our HOPE!

We have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, and especially of those who believe. – I Timothy 4:10  Marantha!  Come Lord Jesus - our HOPE!
Take a minute to enjoy this incredible worship song.  It is FULL of is Hope's Anthem.  Blessings!

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