Thursday, November 8, 2012

What happened to the church?

So over the last few days, I have been taking a lot of time searching the Lord for what has happened to our beloved United States of America.  The shock of how our nation has embraced this President AGAIN has brought me to the conclusion that judgement will be coming on our nation as we have turned our backs on God.  I already felt we were on thin ice before the election but the election was like our final chance to turn-away from the things that were abominations to God; like abortion and gay marriage.  It saddens me to see how Godless our nation has turned.

I can't help but hear the recounted story of Noah in my head as the people mocked and laughed at him for his "bold, "outrageous, judgmental" statements, they said.  The people scorned him as he continued to plead with them to repent for their evil, but they laughed.  Finally the door on the arch was shut by the hand of God himself and the drops of rain later began.  I can't even fathom the horror outside as those inside must have been wrenched in pain hearing the cries for "another" chance.  Please!  Help Us!

This, I believe, is about to be manifested in our lifetimes too.  It was as if hurricane Sandy was a wake-up call, but few were even paying attention to the Lord. In the last few days, I have had two private facebook messages from "friends" who want to find their way back to the Lord.  They "sense" something has "shifted" even though I am not sure if they did or did not vote for this president; they KNOW something is wrong, terribly wrong at the core of our society.  I also received a message "laughing" at me for my choice had failed.

The "day after" the stock market fell and the dollar fell in value and as all this was happening, I saw many friends on facebook gloating at their "victory"!  It makes me cringe as they mock God, Christians, the "far-right", those "radicals" and on and on.  But this is not the half of it, what is really troubling is that most of this "mocking" is coming from people that call themselves "believers".  Yes, SHOCKING!

I can't tell you how many people I have had "discussions" with regarding the bible and Christianity before the elections and the troublesome thing was these discussions were with people who call themselves "Christians".  Christians "challenged" me that Romney was from a "cult" and as a Christian, how could I vote for him.  Well Obama seems more like a Muslim to me, but that didn't stop them for voting for him.  They want to say that endorsing this president is "the right thing" because he has a heart for the poor but they won't address his agreement to the slaughter of innocence in the womb or more over, the endorsement of killing babies who survive abortion in "born-alive".  This is murder and yet Christians seem to be a-okay with that.  Really?

I have been a member and I know people who are members of churches where the message has been so watered down all in the name of being "seeker" friendly and with that, people have no understanding of this loving God who is also a God of "justice".  Seems like the "fire-and-brimstone" message has been replaced with this soft, "Grace for all" message.  I think there is truth to be found in fire and brimstone and in grace but to replace one with the other is error.

This video is interesting and his bottom line is exactly where the Lord has brought me to.   Over the course of the last years, especially the last months, weeks and then days, I have felt a tremendous burden (even warning) in my heart for the pastors who have watered-down the message of the gospel to fill their pews and build their programs and buildings.  It is evident to me, that they have been found "wanting" as many who voted in this election still call themselves "believers" yet we have this outcome.  Even the demons say they "believe".  It's not enough to believe.  We have to LIVE what we believe.  God is a "fruit inspector" and he looks at the fruit, not the intention.  Lord, have mercy on us.