Friday, November 2, 2012

Lesser of Two Evils - Really?

Praying for our nation, our election and our God to forgive our land.  I can't tell you how many times in the last months my heart is gripped to pray for our nation.  God has my attention - does He have yours?   How can we (the church) really believe that God is OK with what we are doing as a nation?  He rebuked Israel, His beloved, many times for having a heart that was far from him and we think, we in America, won't face the consequences of our luke-warmness?  Church - WAKE UP!  We can't have evil AND good.  We can't be for things that God is against and expect God to bless us.  We can't sit by and DO nothing!  Remember the parable of the three servants?  (Matthew 25:14-30).  God rebuked the servant who DID NOTHING!  God is a REWARDER of those that DILIGENTLY seek Him, not who casually talk about Him or have a bumper-sticker on their car or a cross on their neck!

I am PRAYING for the Christians in this country to WAKE-UP, stop drinking the "kool-aid" and listening to the voice of deception (it is in the church you know) and VOTE for things that God DOES care protecting LIFE, defending MARRIAGE, LOVING ISRAEL!  These things DO matter.  Remember the scripture in Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" - (by-the-way, these are written in RED) as Jesus was saying what matters is the KINGDOM not the ECONOMY!  "Politically correctness" will burn up in the presence of the fiery red, piercing eyes of Jesus when He comes back as KING!

I am SO into the love of God, but God is also a God of justice and this nation will be found wanting if we continue on this course of destruction, thumbing our nose at God and doing our own thing, seeking our own pleasure, and living life our own way.  God made a way of escape, for even one BEFORE He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, that is my hope; He will make a way of escape for me and my family too (I am even asking for my friends, my church, my neighborhood and my nation but they must humble themselves and bow their knees to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!)  Father God, SAVE US from ourselves!

So for those of you who get the question from friends and family about the struggle of voting "the lesser of two evils" or possibly you are struggling yourself, I wanted to share this piece by David Barton that he published today.  It puts the matter into a very concise package.  ENJOY!

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Are we really dealing with a lesser of two evils this election?
by David Barton/WallBuilders on Friday, November 2, 2012 at 9:34am ·

I keep having people tell me that in this election, the only choice we have is to vote for the lesser of two evils. So, let me see if I have this right:

One is pro-abortion, one is pro-life; so, both positions are evil, but one is lesser so?

One is pro-gay-marriage, one is pro-traditional marriage; so, both positions are evil, but one is lesser so?

One is pro-Muslim, one is pro-Israel; so, both positions are evil, but one is lesser so?

One is for increasing debt, one is for reducing debt; so, both positions are evil, but one is lesser so?

One is against increased energy exploration, one is for it; so, both positions are evil, but one is lesser so?

One is for violating the rights of religious conscience, the other for preserving it intact; so, both positions are evil, but one is lesser so?

One is for dramatically cutting the size of the military, the other for strengthening it; so, both positions are evil, but one is lesser so?

One is against parental empowerment and school choice, the other is for it; so, both positions are evil, but one is lesser so?

One is for appointing judicial activists to the Supreme Court, the other for original intent constitutionalists; so, both positions are evil, but one is lesser so?

One is for the government takeover of private businesses, the other for entrepreneurship and free enterprise and private ownership; so, both positions are evil, but one is lesser so?

One is for an expanded role for the United Nations in American affairs, the other for a reduced role; so, both positions are evil, but one is lesser so?

One is against American Exceptionalism and wants to be like Europe, the other promotes American Exceptionalism and America as a unique, special, blessed nation; so, both positions are evil, but one is lesser so?

I'm not sure that I get the lesser of two evils thing, unless folks are deliberately excluding all of these (and many other) serious issues and just looking at the ones they want to pick and choose. The fantasy of two evils are our only choice can be sustained only if one denies the above issues.

David Barton

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For more information of this issue, please see: Lesser of Two Evils

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