Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama and Faith

A pastor friend on facebook posted this link so I watched it regarding Obama and faith.  I was quite troubled by it, to say the least.  I am at a loss for the lack of understanding of what Christian means and now to a pastor too.  It is painful for me to watch the country I love move from a "Christian" nation to a socialist one.

How can the God of life be pro-choice or worse, pro-abortion?  How can a God who clearly states that Adam and Eve were to complete each other and He made Eve for man be ok with gay relationships?  How can a God who states that Israel is HIS land and not to divide it be ok with people dividing HIS land?  He isn't and he can't.  It's against His very nature and I understand me stating this very "politically incorrect" statement won't be received by many but I don't live to please many.  I live to please One!  I am NOT ashamed of the Gospel of Christ and I will not deny what His word states, even if people don't like it.

The deception in this land is great and even the elect will be misled (Matthew 24:24.  Time will tell Obama's true colors and I pray I am wrong, but deep within me, I believe these people are the ones who are deceived.