Friday, April 12, 2013

Follow Jesus...What's not to understand?

We as Christians can complicate the simple Gospel with our rhetoric, or our laziness, our opinions, or our selfishness and we even can complicate the message with our "spin".  We live in a culture full of "spin", which the bible calls justification.  We love to make excuses.  Excuses for everything.  Well, sorry to say, that is NOT acceptable if you want to call yourself a "follower of Christ".

If you have never heard of Francis Chan, I suggest you begin to get yourself familiar with his teaching, his books, his life, his testimony and most of all his impact on the family of faith.  He started a church in his home with 30 people and grew it into a "mega" church and then walked away.  He is a successful author and lives off 10% of his royalties.  He downsized his "large" home and his "large" income and currently helping house homeless people in his modest home in northern California.  He is DOING the gospel, just not teaching, preaching, studying, and memorizing it.

Take a look at a great teaching called BASIC!  God had called us to "go".  Jesus showed us how to make disciples.  He gave a great model to follow.  Today, "millions of people on this earth who call themselves followers of Jesus, but their lives look NOTHING like His but in their hearts their convinced they are followers." - Francis Chan.   OUCH!