Thursday, April 11, 2013

Have you been "blocked"?

"You can have no greater contempt for someone, than to live your life as though they don't exist." – Ray Comfort

I read this today on a post from Ray Comfort and I had to pause, reflect and think about this. This used to be a practiced behavior seen only in children.  You remember, "Hey, I'm not gonna be your friend anymore", as you marched off the playground, the lunchroom or home from the bus-stop.

We expect "childish" games from children but unfortunately, this is becoming more-and-more common today with even adults; the art of "ignoring" people seems to be in full operation mode by many.  Today in the world of Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and on-and-on, we have so many new opportunities to put this into practice.  You know, maybe you have someone who has upset you, challenged "your" beliefs or even, heaven forbid, disagreed with YOU on political issues, so what do you do?  You "block" 'em, "delete" them or "hide" them and somehow then feel like you've "won", you've "conquered",  you're "right"!  Or maybe you have been on the receiving end of such treatment and you have been "blocked", "ignored" or "deleted".  Either way, seems a less than ideal solution for grown adults to "default" too.

Don't get me wrong, I know that sometimes there are REAL reasons to "block" someone but most of the time, from the situations I have experienced, the reasons are just plain childish.  It seems petty and even ridiculous for grown adults, friends and even family members to "block" each other because "you hurt my feelings" but unfortunately this response is very much alive and true today in our "social" society.

Even though we see this behavior being modeled more and more today and yes, adults seem to be the biggest offenders, Ray didn't make the statement regarding just human interaction with each other. He was referring to people who live their lives ignoring the existence of God.  Think about it.  How rude is it for one human to ignore another, "block" them or "delete" them over nonsensical issues?

As has been noted, this is in the least a very childish behavior when two adults won't talk through an issue but now, think about it in light of the God of creation.  Do you really think that if you decide to "delete" God, "block" God or "hide" from God it is going to work out for you?  Really?  Whoa...not such a good choice to "delete" Him from your "wall".  Just sayin'. :-/  You should consider "messaging" Him with an apology and then submit another "friend" request.  You really don't want to live life without Him!