Thursday, December 5, 2013

Power of Prayer

Just had to share this link with y'all!  You say you don't believe?  Really.  Well, have you ever prayed?  See, I am FULLY persuaded of who my God is and what He can do, but many around me are not convinced.  Why?  Well, maybe they haven't asked God to show His love to them.

I love how this man was challenged by a friend to "shoot up a prayer" and then, THEN God showed up for him.  That is just how God does us...He shows up WHEN we call out to Him.

Don't misunderstand me, I am not saying someone will come and give you a $100 just because you pray, but ask the Lord to show you how much He loves you.  Ask Him to reveal Himself to you.  Ask Him.

For those of you who already believe, this is not a time to shrink back from our faith.  We need to continue to be bold in our faith - especially during this Christmas season.  Continually ask the Lord for opportunities to share with others how we find rest, peace and life in our God!  Take a minute and listen to this inspiring story.  God is SO GOOD!

So what's keeping you from "shooting up a prayer" to God? He DOES answer! Go ahead. Pray! Ask Him to reveal His love for you to you! I'm praying you do!