Friday, February 7, 2014

Breaking the Chains...

Praying for you today friend. So many are struggling today with the cold, the cost of heat, food, the lay-offs from jobs, some just from life; it's just a hard season right now.  May the love of the Lord overwhelm you in a tangible way. You are not alone. You are never alone. He is so for you. Don't loose sight of WHO He is and how deep, wide and great His love is for you!

Challenge: when the walls of life feel like they are closing in, that's a good time to give. Giving shatters the chains of the enemy.

Here are some easy ideas that are quick, fun and effective:
- Take a friend out for lunch on your ticket.
- Bring basic groceries to an elderly neighbor who has been shut-in due to the cold.
- Buy a coffee for the car behind you at Starbucks.
- Make some homemade pies and bring them to a young mother who is weary at home with little children.  Take one to a pastor or elderly couple from your church.  I did this.  We had one car at the time and I was shut-in the house with two small babies.  The Lord told me to give and so I had flour to make pie crusts and pie pans (ones I had saved from store bought pies - I saved everything!) and I started baking.  I made 10 pies that day and when my husband came home from work he was like, "What are we going to do with these?"  
I said, "We are taking them to people we know tonight."   
He said, "Who?" 
I said a list of people's names and we just got in the car and started driving; house to house until we had given them all away.  It really works!  I was free from that cloud of depressing that was clutching at me!
- Pump the gas for the elderly person at the gas station across from you so they don't have to be out in the cold.  Maybe even pay for their gas.  Swipe your card first! :-D
- Ask if you can load the groceries in the car for a young mother with babies or at least put her cart away.  (Stand back when asking so you don't overwhelm or scare them.)
- Wait at the end of the check-out isle (10 items or less lane is an easy lane to choose) for an elderly, needy looking person and offer to pay for their 5 items. Just lay the cash down and walk away if necessary. Standing at the end, you will see the total as they do, so you know what you are signing up for, if you know what I mean. You can know who because the total matches the cash in your hand. ASK the Lord WHO you are there to bless. It is so fun!
- DO something for someone else. Acts of service are so great. They bring more joy to me than I think they bring to the person I am blessing. 

Sometimes I do these things for people that I don't even necessarily like. Maybe a boss who is difficult to work with or the employee who takes behind your back. Bring them a coke or a couple donuts to an ornery neighbor mends fences. Whatever! Just start GIVING or start giving more! (Not saying you aren't doing any or all of these things but purpose to find MORE to do!) Ask God for creative ideas! He is amazing at showing you things that matter to others that are easy and that are eternal!

When I have battled loneliness, sorrow, fear and sometimes even isolation or the beginning of depression I have found that GIVING is the accelerator to freedom. It shatters the chains that the enemy has shackled on me. All the enemy has to say are lies of course, but his lies sound real - that's why he is effective.

On this cold day where most are shut in, get OUT and FIND a reason to be a blessing! Bring your pet and go to PetsMart and I am sure you will find someone to minister too!  Take the kids with you and help an elderly man with his cart by putting it away.  Just START BEING A BLESSING!

YOU have the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead DWELLING IN YOU if you are a Christian! The same Spirit! The SAME Spirit! He is dwelling IN you! How amazing is our God to give us such great things! WOWZA! YOU are a mighty man (or woman) of God and the mighty men, take the land with force. FORCEFULLY advance the kingdom today! Read Judges 6:12 which says: And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him, and said unto him, The Lord is with thee, thou mighty man of valour.  How about Matthew 11:12 - From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence,and the violent take it by force.  We are in a fight!  We have to use the weapons the Lord has given us and GIVING is a weapon!   Praying for heaven to invade your earth today and start GIVING your way to freedom. 

Stay warm too!  It's been a long winter but Spring is just around the Corner!