Tuesday, April 29, 2014

What Has Stripes?

A friend posted this picture taken from an area elementary school book where I live, which by the way is in the Bible-Belt and not some progressive big-city area.  Her son brought the book home as a reading assignment.

She sent an email to the principal yesterday and her husband went to talk to the principal today.  Do you see why?  They were told the book is an approved book for the District.  The matter was referred to the superintendent.

Look at the picture now if you haven't.  When I am asked about stripes, I immediately think of the "Stars and Stripes", or what we all affectionally call the American flag.  As a believer, when I hear the word "stripes" I think of Jesus and the price he paid for my sin and sickness on his back - by His stripes we are healed.  When I look at the picture above, I immediately see the zebra in plain view and of course, we all know that a zebra has stripes.  Then we quickly begin to scour the picture for more stripes.  They boys shirt, the road, the barbershop pole, the butcher's wall and the rainbow flag.  The rainbow flag?  Why not a rainbow?  If you want a flag, use an American flag.  Why a rainbow flag to bring the discussion of stripes to light?

I showed my children the image for discussion purposes and they said, "American flags have stripes".

I said, "But there is no American flag in the picture."

Then their eyes got HUGE as one said, "Oh, the rainbow flag is a symbol!"  Hmmm - even my children caught the underlying message here.

The parent was told by the principal that rainbows have stripes, but the father responded that there was no rainbow in the picture.  So why did they use the flag?  I think we all know the answer to that.

Please be praying for this situation as the superintendent is being notified of the concern brought by this parent even today.  Our children are being conditioned to embrace things that the Bible clearly calls sin.  This is a problem and it is not just about rainbows!

As Christians, the gay rights issue is becoming bigger and many Christians are backing down or away from it because they personally know many people who they love that are gay.  They see these people as "good people".  "Peaceable," just trying to live life.  I agree!  I too know many people who are gay and I love them!  I also know many people living together outside of marriage, yes, even Christians living together outside of marriage and you know what - I love them BUT whether I love them or not doesn't change what the Word of God says about sin.  WE ALL SIN and fall short of the glory of God but to give sin a pass because it is now politically correct is NOT righteousness!

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!  - Isaiah 5:20

We MUST hold to the truth of scriptures, even when we LOVE PEOPLE who choose to do life their own way.  Loving people doesn't necessarily mean agreeing with them.  Do you ALWAYS agree with your mate?  Your children?  Yet we still love them.  We love them and stand for Truth in the process.  We have to KNOW the Truth (Jesus said, I am the way, the Truth and the life - John 14:6) and the Truth will set us free. - John 8:32.

Our children are being "taught" what the world says is true.  WE MUST teach them the scriptures:

My son (that is you and me), keep my (this is God) Words
    and treasure up My commandments with you;
2 keep My commandments and live;
    keep My teaching as the apple of your eye;
3 bind them on your fingers (like tying a string to your finger so you don't forget something);
    write them on the tablet of your heart (KNOW them and OBEY them in your very heart-of-hearts).
4 Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,”
    and call insight your intimate friend,
5 to keep you from the forbidden woman,
    from the adulteress with her smooth words.  (Interesting that the word adultery (sexual issues) is what we are being warned to keep away from here.) - Proverbs 7:1-5

Father, may we NOT sin against you while gaining the approval of SOME men.  Teach us Your ways, God and let us walk in your Truth!  - Psalm 86:11.  Give us courage to stand-up; even when we feel like we are the only one.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Magnitude of the Problem...

It's been about a month now since flight MH370 went missing and loved ones still have no answers; no bodies to bury, no wreckage to confirm disaster, no answers. Nothing. I can't imagine pain and anguish they are dealing with. Today I saw this report and I felt I needed to stop and pray for these families; many of which are not of the Christian faith so they have NO hope.
Think about that. NO HOPE. 
Click on link to see rest...
Even on my lowest of days, the hardest of things, the darkest hours, I still have a God I can cling to; a God who speaks to me, a God who knows my name and responds to me. NO HOPE. 
Father, help these people deal with the size of this disaster and bring them HOPE as ONLY You can. We pray for them to come to the understanding and the knowledge of the saving power of Jesus Christ. May they find HOPE, REST and PEACE in this terrible storm they are living. Father God, help people FIND this aircraft.  Show them where to look.  Lead them to the spot so these families can have closure.  Thank you Father. In Jesus Mighty Name I pray, Amen.
To see the rest of this image of the scale of things, click the link and see this awesome comparison to get to the "depth of the problem".

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Send in the Laborers

I have several friends who have been to Mozambique and served with Heidi Baker with her Iris Ministry for short term missions and in her ministry school. I was just made aware of this devastating situation they are in. I know many Christians today who have become weary with giving, especially to church, but I am asking you to consider sharing this need with people you know who have a heart to help others. This is such a great place to give...to the most needy on the planet who don't have a spirit of entitlement. They are desperate for help and now with these rains, their meager existence has turned bleak. Please pray for them and also consider giving to them financially. 
We have such lavish lifestyles here in America compared with their living conditions and churches here are equipped with everything you can think of and still building more, yet many in Mozambique don't even have a roof over their head now as water is consuming what they call home! God forgive us. God help us help them!
Father, cause us to be givers and care for those who desperately need your help. Father, hold off the rains for a season and let their land dry a bit. Bring consistency to their weather so they can grow crops with adequate rain and then adequate sunshine. Holy Spirit, we need thee to help these suffering in Jesus' Mighty Name.
Please use the link Iris Ministry to see how you can help.