Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Send in the Laborers

I have several friends who have been to Mozambique and served with Heidi Baker with her Iris Ministry for short term missions and in her ministry school. I was just made aware of this devastating situation they are in. I know many Christians today who have become weary with giving, especially to church, but I am asking you to consider sharing this need with people you know who have a heart to help others. This is such a great place to the most needy on the planet who don't have a spirit of entitlement. They are desperate for help and now with these rains, their meager existence has turned bleak. Please pray for them and also consider giving to them financially. 
We have such lavish lifestyles here in America compared with their living conditions and churches here are equipped with everything you can think of and still building more, yet many in Mozambique don't even have a roof over their head now as water is consuming what they call home! God forgive us. God help us help them!
Father, cause us to be givers and care for those who desperately need your help. Father, hold off the rains for a season and let their land dry a bit. Bring consistency to their weather so they can grow crops with adequate rain and then adequate sunshine. Holy Spirit, we need thee to help these suffering in Jesus' Mighty Name.
Please use the link Iris Ministry to see how you can help.