Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Never Forget - A day of remembering....

Never Forget!

But have we forgotten?  Our country came together in the days after this horrible tragedy.  People prayed openly together. We saw grown men, strangers, hugging one another. Stores sold out of American Flags!  Black, white, republican, democrat, rich, poor - didn't matter; we were as one!  We were ALL Americans and we were united as a country.

Now we have some taking a knee in protest over that very same flag.  We speak harshly against others who are not our race, our color, our ethnicity.  What has happened to our nation? We are divided and divisive and many are even farther from God.  Father forgive us for only pressing into you when calamity comes.  I have not forgotten and I am forever thankful those who ran INTO Trouble to save strangers they new nothing about.  Love does that.  Love gives!

On this day of reflection, let us also not forget to remember WHO our God is and what He does ... He is the Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper and the Light in the Darkness — That is WHO HE IS!

When I went to the Heaven Come event (in Grand Prairie, Texas, two week-ends ago) they sang this song: Way Maker.  This link is the closest version I have found online to what we heard at the event as Bethel hasn't recorded their version yet. Let this song get in your spirit and heal all that ails you because there sure is a lot of darkness around us.

I have been ministering to many broken situations in Godly people's lives almost daily for months now. I am sure you know of many people hurting too, suffering, struggling BUT "even when we don't feel it, He's working! Even when we don't see it, He's working. He never stops, He never stops working!" Praise His Holy Name!

Currently, a funeral is going on for a 32-year-old young man who was in our home (and lives) for 3 years while two of my children went to a ministry school. He was a room-mate to one son and then boss to another. He spent many weekends at our home. He loved God and served him full-on since I have known him. He married (8 years ago) and leaves behind his wife, a 4-year-old son and 2-year-old daughter. My daughter was 2 when we met him and now he has a 2-year-old. He chose to "wait" for his wife. He kissed her (for the first time) at the altar on their wedding day in the presence of their families. He valued family; both from where he came and what he was going. He would even call me "mom". His wife shared this week-end how he would kneel at her side by the bed, every night to pray over her before she went to sleep. He has finished his race and she is left clinging to Jesus! But we know, Jesus IS the Way Maker - even in the darkness. Right? Her faith is grounded in the Lord yet her knees are knocking as she looks ahead. Jesus come!

I know several people who recently have buried their mates in just the last few months. Men who are upside-down in grief and wives too, pressing into Him. Jesus come!

Another friend's husband lost his job of 20 years and they are facing change and uncertainty. They know God is faithful but they are clinging to Him to find the next place. Jesus come!

I have been ministering to a woman who has been battling darkness over her life, like a cloud for over 3 years. She loves God greatly and is struggling to get free. Her head knows the answers but her heart fails her. Jesus come!

As you may have read, another Christian minister committed suicide yesterday, and again, a friend of my son's, (from the ministry school) knew this pastor personally. People around the nation are left wondering. Questioning. Hurting. He too left behind a wife and children.

Sickness and disease pressing into families/friends... battles for health, strength. Jesus come!
I ministered to another woman (and husband) who are dealing with grown (Christian) children who have broken fellowship with them. Their family is hurting. Unforgiveness is chained to hearts. Jesus come.

Another Christian family has a 20-something child who has decided to "live on the streets" (in a vehicle) with her boyfriend. She suddenly walked away from a great job with living arrangements; bitter, broken, angry, and doing their own thing. Jesus come.

I have had several calls, texts, messages from people dealing with "marriages" - some married less than a year, others married decades. Christian, God-fearing couples breaking-up. Husband's have "secret" affairs (real and online) and wives left shocked, devastated, broken. Wives hanging on to unforgiveness and not choosing to forgive. Money wars. Hate. Anger. Jesus come.

Who do you know that is walking through "a storm"? I think we all know someone that is being "pressed" to their very core. Hanging on tightly to Jesus and praying they will come through. Maybe it is you. Jesus come!

The days we are living in are quite intense BUT...

...what I know is that I HAVE TO STAND on what I know (not what I feel, not what I think, not what people say, not even what church people tell me).

WHAT I KNOW IS that JESUS IS THE ANSWER! He is the Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness. My God - THAT IS WHO YOU ARE!