Thursday, September 26, 2019

Way Maker

As you know, last month I went to the Bethel conference called Heaven Come in Grand Prairie, Texas, ... and I haven’t been the same! ๐Ÿค”The worship was incredible and a few of the songs became an anthem in my heart. 

This past weekend, I took a last minute QUICK trip to Minnesota for a family wedding and time with my husband’s elderly parents. Saturday, after the wedding, we went to one of the area attractions, Minnehaha Falls. As I was walking down the stairs to the falls I heard a “trumpet” (I later saw it was a shofar). I was intrigued and had to investigate what was going on. Then I also heard drums and thought maybe there was some Native American Indian gathering going on.

When I got to the bottom of the stairs, and walked toward the bridge over the creek, there was a small group of Nigerian believers releasing a "new song" at the base of the falls. The words they were singing were that of a worship and declaration of the God I love!  Of course, I had to encounter what God was up to!

I walked over the them and then we began to exchange our stories, testimonies, and our hearts on fire for Him. We were immediately connected as one, in Him!  I just love how a total stranger becomes a co-laborer in a "happenstance" ๐Ÿ˜‰ connection!

All this to say, that in our sharing I mentioned how I have been to Nigeria and I left a part of my heart there.  I then started sharing about this new song I have been hearing that was written by another Nigerian, Way Maker. They immediately said yes, as they not only knew the song but they knew the writer, Sinach!

Right there a suddenly erupted as we all spontaneously began singing the song - declaring the truth of who our God is over Minneapolis! Don’t you just love when the Lord encounters us like that?

So now this morning, I “stumbled” ๐Ÿ˜‚ across this song. (We never “stumble anywhere – right?” God is so intentional!  As we enter this new Hebraic year of 5780 (as we are on the doorstep of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur) let’s take a minute to remember who our God is and what He can do! 

To hear the news on secular airwaves, you would think the world has gone crazy and then we are invaded by heaven... right here on earth! The Lord sweetly and kindly drops sweet kisses from heaven into your lap. 

Take a minute and listen to this version of Way Maker.  It is my most favorite rendition (that I can find recorded), although Michael Bethany of Gateway church in Southlake has an anointed version as well – just not shareable – you have to hear him live. 

Remember, He is YOUR way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness... that is who He is!! Have a fabulous day IN Him!  He wants to encounter earth WITH you.  Make room for Him!