Sunday, March 22, 2020

What are WE doing regarding OUR sin?

In reading this (link), people have become very upset; it just isn't right, they cry. I get it. These leaders knew something (because they were in meetings/hearings, getting private secret information) before the public knew what was about to happen in our country.  They took this "inside" information and pulled their money out of the stock market to protect themselves and their interests.  Isn't' this the epitome of selfishness? This is a direct violation of the oaths they swore, to be FOR THE PEOPLE. Isn't their actions considered a form of insider trading? Wouldn't you or I be arrested for such violations? Even when asked by reporters about what they knew, before we American's knew, some of them denied knowing things were heading for trouble.  They denied there was any problem on the horizon as they took their money out of the market.

What if a few weeks ago, someone would have told you that every sporting event in the United States would be shut down, would you have believed it?  What if you were told that stadiums throughout America would be empty; there would be no "March Madness" in 2020, and that the NBA, NHL, and MLB would all close down for the season or that Las Vegas would turn off the lights — would you have believed it?  Movie theaters would go silent and churches would close their doors (under the treat of the law). What? Not in America - we are the land of the free and the home of the brave, right? What if weeks ago you were told that major city's in America would be empty of people, traffic would vanish, commerce would cease.  Cities like Houston, L.A., and N.Y.  I don't know if any of us would have believed it but here we are. Has this current situation captured your attention?

This is not about politics people. Don't respond to this by telling me whose fault this is. IT STARTS WITH EACH OF US. What are WE doing with what WE know?

What if YOU were given a tip now to what is about to unfold ahead of us? Would you heed the warning?

People IF WE (as believers) DO NOT HUMBLE OURSELVES AND PRAY, and SEEK HIS FACE and TURN FROM OUR WICKED WAYS, our land will NOT be healed. (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Do you want the Coronavirus to end? Then we need to:
1. Humble ourselves.
2. Pray.
3. Turn (away from OUR sin - ask the Lord what your sin is. What are YOU doing that God calls wicked? IF you thought [what you were doing] was wicked, I think you would not do it - right? I pray you wouldn't be actively choosing wickedness. Most people think they are right. See, that is the catch - we are OK with what we are doing (we may even think we are right) BUT God calls it wickedness.). Take a minute and ask the Lord, right now, what you need to repent of.
4. THEN our land will be healed. God can end this virus. He is GOD!
Do you want the virus to end? Do these steps. Our WORLD has turned from its creator. We are doing our own thing. We are facing the wrath of our rebellion. Father, forgive us.