Thursday, March 5, 2020

Biden and the Force Behind Him

If you have been following the democratic primary process, you have noticed the vast differences between the candidates.  We have had the first openly gay man running, several women, a muslim, a millionaire whose girlfriend would be "de facto first lady" if he won, a socialist who many think is a communist, and many other colors and flavors to choose from; all this to say, America has changed.

2017 Inauguration
I had friends telling me last election cycle how strong the democratic field was and how this country would never elect a republican again and progressivism would be the way forward but watching this cycle, it didn't seem to end the way many thought it would. As we all saw, a miracle happened in 2016 and Donald J. Trump stepped into the White House as our 45th president.  Against all odds, against the media predictions, against the swamp's bidding, Trump won and the left has been in a state of uproar ever since.  The vitriol has not stopped and the establishment has been unhappy to say the least since that wonderful election day.

Fast forward to the 2020 election cycle and you would think the democrats who had four years to "groom" their next big thing would be ready for show time. The last several months seemed more like a circus in the democratic party; but has there been a plan all along?  I would say, yes.

In the last few days SEVERAL of the remaining candidates suddenly have all dropped out and interestingly enough, they ALL endorsed the same guy, Joe Biden.  The same Joe who can't remember what office he is running for, or what state he is in, or which woman is standing with him on the podium (his wife or his sister).  Gaff-after-gaff he has made and yet suddenly, all eyes are upon him as the guy to beat.  Even Bernie who is really the only candidate in the running still is taking a bow when Bernie stated before a crowd of supporters in the last few days that he would not attack, Joe.  He said he has known Joe a long time and that he was a decent man, while the crowd tried to boo.  Wait what?  In the middle of a campaign and basically there are just two candidates remaining, Bernie suddenly becomes "Mr. Nice Guy" gushing over Joe.  Something has happened.  Something has changed.

Over the last couple of days, Mario Murillo had a great insight into all this. He states that Joe was the man all along (read about it here) by the Democrat elites and now he is to take up the position that Hillary failed to secure - Obama's third term.  As stated in the article above, and I totally agree, why didn't Obama endorse Biden when this whole circus began and then why was Biden ok with the lack of endorsement from his former boss and running mate?  Well, because they (the Democrat elites) knew there was a plan in play. The Democratic powers that be (including Obama and his minions) have stacked the deck for this, even after his leaving the White House; everything from the FBI to the media and then add into the mix the calls to impeach 45 even before he took office - there has been a plan. Trump's presidency has been targeted even before he stepped foot into Washington, (but God) as these powers have worked against everything he has tried to do. Murillo has had some good thoughts on this election cycle and I believe he is onto something.  On Super Tuesday, Mario stated that Biden has been the candidate all along.

Lance Wallnau
Lance Wallnau (author of God's Chaos Candidate: Donald J. Trump and the American Unraveling) chose the appropriate word, CHAOS, as the left has been creating as much chaos as possible to unseat this duly elected president from the very beginning.  There is something evil behind this agenda; bigger than media and elections; there are powers of evil operating from the left to destroy America.

Do you really think Obama was just going to walk away from everything he tried to build in his 8 years in office?  Again, I have friends who have said things to me like, he (Obama) is the best thing that happened to America. He was a history-maker. They have said he is a Christian, and he is pro-family, that he is for Catholics and Jews and that he is not a muslim.  Really.  It seems his actions show differently. 

On August 19, 2015, Murillo posted a list created by David Barton entitled: America's Most Biblically-Hostile US President.  I happen to personally know David Barton and I value his research and dedication to detail.  At the end of the article above, Barton sites ALL of his sources. There is ample documentation here. Obama has lists of things he has done from having preferred Islamic advisors to guide and influence his hostility toward people of Biblical faith to attacking Catholics and Protestants and their traditional beliefs.  Read for yourself Obama's record above as cited by Barton.
David Barton

I know many Christians and I have heard many say they oppose Trump.  They cite many reasons from they just don't like him as a person to he is not very "presidential".  What does that mean, anyway, presidential?  Was Kennedy presidential when he had a revolving stream of women in-and-out of the White House? Was Johnson? Have you heard his own words on the tapes from his administration? Vulgar and crass come to mind as good descriptors. What about Clinton, was he presidential with cigars and an intern in the Oval Office?  What does this term "presidential" mean? Is it all about "pomp and circumstance"?  Is it about being proper?

Epstein and Prince Andrew
We have a member of the Royal Family who is suppose to be all "dignified and proper" who is traveling to an island with a known sex trafficker and even stays in his private home to save a dime.  Really?  I just don't get where people are landing on this.  I didn't elect Trump (or any elected official) to be my pastor.  I didn't elect Trump to be my pal. I have never received an invitation to a White House gala so I don't rub shoulders with these elite.  I don't run around with most politicians even though I have known a few well-known names personally.  I elected Trump to drain the swamp; and the swamp is about to come out of the grave unless we, the church, get involved and vote!

In Texas (a Christian, Bible-belt, solid RED state) the 2020 Super Tuesday results showed that voters in the Republican party were down 32% but Democratic votes were up by 29%.  If you, Christian, are you not aware, that this fight we are fighting is won in prayer and then at the voting booth?

The spirit that is operating in our nation is dark and evil and Joe Biden has been selected to be the face of this evil. He has no platform. He has no record.  He has no convictions, or values. He has nothing to offer the American people to make America better, but powers that be are all in support of him.  The Clinton Machine has a wake of people who have died mysteriously, disappeared, fallen asleep and now Joe, the gaff-maker, is at the helm.  He is friends with powers who call George Soros a friend.

The left has found a body in Sleepy Joe, that will fill the agenda they seek to unleash on America as they try to again establish their anti-God, anti-Life agenda, aka known as; the "New World Order".

Murillo again had another great post regarding Joe and how he has become the face for the puppeteer. (Read it here.)  I encourage you to read his take on this old candidate that is emerging as the Democratic nominee.

It's time to awaken, Christian.  The hatred, and I did say hatred of Trump is being spewed by many, even by Christians, and this hatred is being used to bring forth the most evil future that is waiting for America in the wings.  The left will now speak with one voice, they have their man, but WE, the CHURCH can still arise IF we humble ourselves and pray.  God showed up with a miracle win for us as Christians in 2016.  You don't think it was a win for Christians?  Here is a short list of some of Trump's religious freedom accomplishments.   (Read it here.) (More on Trump's Religious Freedoms.)

I don't think Donald Trump is a perfect man, but I do think he is the man God has given us to lead us out of captivity and darkness. May God continue to choose to have His face shine upon us, here in America.